Divine Division: Kentucky Bishop Comes Out for Trans Brother, Fracturing Church Unity

A 39-year-old Catholic hermit from Kentucky, Brother Christian Matson, has made headlines after coming out as transgender with the public support of local church leader Bishop John Stowe of the Diocese of Lexington. Finding Catholicism Originally, Matson was raised Presbyterian, but he converted to Catholicism in 2010, finding his new religious identity four years after … Read more

25 Ways Americans Irk the Rest of the World

Americans often wonder why they might be greeted with cold shoulders abroad. Is it the loud tourist stereotype, or is there more simmering beneath the surface? 1. Overconsumption and Waste Americans are known for their “bigger is better” mentality, which often translates to excessive consumption and waste. This behavior is not only unsustainable but increasingly … Read more

Say What? 20 American Expressions That Bewilder Non-Natives

Discovering American English can feel like wandering through a linguistic maze, especially with regional idioms that might puzzle outsiders. From New York City’s streets to Appalachia’s hills, each area has its own unique language. Here, we uncover 20 regional expressions from across the United States that might leave you scratching your head or laughing at … Read more

18 Things That Only Happen in California

California, the land of sun, surf, and Silicon Valley, isn’t just another state—it’s a whole vibe. A playground for the adventurous, the innovative, and the downright quirky, it offers experiences you just can’t find anywhere else in the U.S. Here’s a rundown of 18 things that set the Golden State apart, with a tone as … Read more

No Pride: Park Rangers Forbidden to Join Gay Parades in Uniform

The National Park Service (NPS) officially prohibits uniformed employees from public events that could stir up controversy.  Prohibition of Pride Participation Right before the start of Pride month in June, the National Park Service (NPS) prohibits uniformed employees from joining in and participating in events that may not fit the organization’s innocent and “uninvolved” reputation.  … Read more

Face the Facts: 20 Reasons America Isn’t Prepared for Non-Binary Gender

The push for non-binary recognition in various aspects of society raises important questions about inclusivity and the complexities it introduces. How do we navigate these changes, and what are the key areas affected by this evolving understanding of gender? 1. Legal Document Challenges Non-binary individuals often face difficulties in obtaining legal documents that reflect their … Read more

Abortion Numbers Surge Despite the Overruling of Roe V. Wade

The number of abortions in America has increased despite the Roe overturn two years ago. Clinical treatment might not be on the rise, but women are still managing to get abortion pills and help via Telehealth. Here’s what’s happened.  Abortion Laws  The Brennen Center for Justice wrote a piece on “reproductive rights” within the U.S.A. … Read more

Fleeing the States: 21 Places Americans Are Deserting in Droves

Certain states are witnessing a significant exodus as residents seek better opportunities and lifestyles elsewhere. Here are 21 states experiencing notable population declines as people pursue greener pastures. 1. California Despite its allure, California is experiencing a significant outflow of residents due to high living costs, housing affordability issues, and concerns about wildfires and droughts. … Read more

21 Wacky Traditions Only True Ohio Buckeyes Get

Ohio: a place where quirks and charms blend seamlessly into the daily life of those who call it home. From unique culinary choices to peculiar ways of speaking, Ohioans have habits that might just leave outsiders scratching their heads. Here’s a dive into the Buckeye State’s most beloved oddities. 1. Calling Every Soda “Pop” In … Read more

New Hampshire Trans Rights Crisis: Governor Urged to Veto Four Controversial State Bills

Four bills affecting trans people are set to pass into law in New Hampshire, causing conflict between LGBTQ advocates and Republican lawmakers. Four Controversial Bills This year, Republican lawmakers in New Hampshire have passed four controversial bills through the State House and Senate that directly affect trans people. Now, advocacy groups are calling on Governor … Read more

Oklahoma’s Last Surviving Victims of the Tulsa Race Massacre Call for Federal Investigation

A lawsuit seeking reparations for a historic massacre in Oklahoma has been rejected again, prompting calls for a federal investigation by the survivors. Survivors Take Action Last month the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled in favor of dismissing a lawsuit filed by the two surviving victims of the historic Tulsa massacre, which sought reparations for both … Read more

‘Unite the Right’ White Nationalists Shamed in Court for 2017 Charlottesville Rally

The U.S. Court of Appeals just increased the damages awarded to plaintiffs in the 2017 Charlottesville rally case. This change ensures that each person receives their fair share and enforces the importance of accountability in the face of hate. A Closer Look at “Unite the Right” In 2017, national attention was focused on Charlottesville, Virginia … Read more

DEI Ban: Utah Universities to Shut Down Safe Spaces for LGBTQ, Women, and Racial Minorities

In the wake of a new “Equal Opportunities” law for Utah schools, a number of notable state universities have chosen to shutter their DEI cultural centers.  Cultural Student Centers Closing in Utah Some universities across the state of Utah are planning to shutter their cultural centers – including ‘safe spaces’ for LGBTQ, women, and racial … Read more

Surge in Anti-LGBTQ Hate: Targeted Crimes Reported Across 50% of States in Pride Month

There was a shocking amount of vandalism during Pride Month 2024. Specifically, anti-LGBTQ vandalism was reported in almost 25 states, leaving community members scared and upset. New Vandalism Trend There was an alarming increase of anti-LGBTQ vandalism during this Pride Month. Pride flags and other important LGBTQ symbols were vandalized in over 40 cities during … Read more

South Carolina Senate Now Has ZERO Republic Women

South Carolina has voted to remove its three Republican women senators from office. This decision comes amidst an intense battle about abortion bans and women’s rights in the state. This decision could have severe consequences for the 55% of registered voters, who are women. Historic Losses in South Carolina In a significant shift for South … Read more

All Men Created Equal? 19 Ways Black Americans Are EXCLUDED From American Independence

While the 4th of July celebrates the birth of American independence, it’s important to acknowledge the ways in which Black Americans have been systematically excluded from the promises of freedom and equality. Here are 19 significant ways this exclusion has occurred. 1. Slavery Despite the Declaration of Independence’s assertion that “all men are created equal,” … Read more

Trump Declares Black Voters Support Has “Skyrocketed” Due to Felony Convictions

Former President Trump claims that support from the Black community skyrocketed after his infamous mugshot was released.  Trump’s Controversial Roundtable Days before the first presidential debate for the 2024 election, former president Donald Trump raised eyebrows with his remarks at an Atlanta barbershop.  His Goal Trump met with a panel at a Black barbershop, focused … Read more

“Cruel and Unconstitutional” – Montana Law Defining Gender in Biological Terms Has Been Struck Down in Court

A Montana law seeking to define biological sex has been struck down in court as “unconstitutional,” after LGBTQ plaintiffs launched a lawsuit to challenge it. A Defining Law Last year a new bill was introduced in Montana, which sought to legally define a person’s “sex” as only either male or female. It was signed into … Read more

20 Crisis Points Facing Black America Right Now

Black American continue to encounter significant barriers due to systemic racism. These barriers profoundly impact daily life and long-term well-being. What are the key crisis points that need to be addressed to create a more just and equal society? 1. Police Brutality Black Americans are three times more likely to be killed by police than … Read more

20 Initiatives Supporting Women of Color in Business and Leadership

In recent years, a variety of initiatives have emerged to support women of color in business and leadership roles. Here are 20 specific initiatives that help women of color overcome barriers and achieve success. 1. The Black Women’s Business Collective (BWBC) Located in New York City, BWBC offers resources, networking opportunities, and mentorship for Black … Read more

200% Surge in LGBTQ Elected Officials in US Government

The number of LGBTQ+ elected officials in the United States has surged by nearly 200% since 2017. This dramatic increase, detailed in a report by the LGBTQ Victory Institute, marks a significant shift in political representation. This change has had and will continue to have effects on our policies, education, and representation in America. New … Read more

18 Ways Biden’s LGBTQ Support Has Fallen Short

President Biden has shown a mix of actions and hesitations on LGBTQ+ issues, prompting discussions about his administration’s commitment. Are these moves enough for meaningful change or is he playing it too safe? 1. Delay in Passing the Equality Act Biden promised swift action on the Equality Act, yet the legislation remains stalled in Congress. … Read more

21 Quirky New York Phrases You Must Learn To Fit In

New York City: a place so unique, it has its own language. If you’re not from the Big Apple, some things New Yorkers say might leave you scratching your head. Here’s a list of phrases that are quintessentially New York. Get ready to talk like a local! 1. “I’m Walking Here!” This phrase is more … Read more

19 Weird Ways Americans Celebrate Independence

The 4th of July is a day filled with fireworks, barbecues, and parades. However, some American communities celebrate with unique and quirky traditions that add an extra layer of fun to the festivities. Here are 19 of the weirdest ways Americans celebrate Independence Day. 1. Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest Held annually in Coney Island, … Read more

Independence for Who? 21 Racism Realities Behind America’s ‘Freedom’ Celebrations

As we celebrate the 4th of July and America’s independence, it’s essential to recognize that not all Americans have experienced the same freedoms. Here are 21 realities that challenge the notion of universal liberty and justice. 1. The Enslavement of African Americans While the Declaration of Independence proclaimed “all men are created equal,” it coexisted … Read more

Illinois Ends Pride Month with Two New Laws

On the last day of Pride Month, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed two new pieces of legislation to support LGBTQ+ rights. SB 2930 and HB 5507 show the Illinois’ commitment to inclusivity and equality for all of its residents. Celebrating Pride Month With New Laws As Pride Month ends, Governor of Illinois J.B. Pritzker celebrated … Read more

Trump’s Surprise VP Candidate Flip-Flops on Gay Rights

Republican Governor of North Dakota confirmed as possible running mate for former president Trump, calling attention to his ever-changing stances.  A Surprising Pick Gov. Doug Burgum, the Republican Governor of North Dakota may not be well known on the national-stage, but he has recently been announced as a top choice for Trump’s vice presidential running … Read more

21 Ways Obama Changed the Rules in America Forever

Barack Obama’s presidency left a lasting mark on our society and on American politics. But how exactly did these changes reshape our nation, and do we still feel their impact today? 1. Affordable Care Act “Obamacare” changed the game for healthcare, giving millions more Americans access to insurance. Love it or hate it, it’s a … Read more

Holy Votes: Trump Endorses the Ten Commandments in Schools in Louisiana

Donald Trump recently expressed his support for Louisiana’s mandate for displaying the Ten Commandments in public schools. The future legal battles and public debates could influence our students, educators, and the future of the law. Trump’s Endorsement Former President and presumed Republican candidate, Donald Trump, has expressed his support for displaying the Ten Commandments in … Read more

Why Is Bi-Curiosity on the Rise in America?

Feeling curious? Bi-curiosity among young Americans is on the rise, sparking a national debate. Why are more young adults identifying as bisexual than ever before? 1. Increased Social Acceptance With greater societal acceptance of diverse sexual orientations, many young adults feel freer to explore their bi-curiosity. Are you aware of how much public opinion has … Read more

25 International Customs Even Americans Find Strange

Traveling abroad can open your eyes to a world of fascinating customs and traditions. But why do so many Americans find these practices strange when their own habits might be just as peculiar? 1. Slurping Noodles in Japan In Japan, slurping your noodles loudly is a sign of enjoyment and appreciation. Why do Americans think … Read more

Sir, Yes Sir! 20 Giveaway Habits That Scream ‘Ex-Military’

Spotting an American ex-military individual doesn’t always require a keen eye. Some signs are so unmistakable they practically announce themselves. Here are 20 tell-tale signs that you’re dealing with a veteran of the U.S. armed forces. 1. The Haircut Nothing says military like a high and tight haircut. Even years after service, many ex-military men … Read more

Cheap Thrills: The 15 States Where You Can Live for Less

Looking for a lifestyle upgrade without the hefty price tag? Across the U.S., there are hidden gems where affordability aligns with quality living. From states with the lowest living costs to those offering significant tax benefits, these 15 destinations promise a fulfilling life that won’t drain your bank account. 1. Mississippi: The Southern Belle Mississippi … Read more

Bad Apple: 23 Unfiltered Reasons New Yorkers Are Ditching NYC

New York City: a dazzling mosaic of culture, energy, and ambition. Yet, even the most glittering metropolises have their challenges, and recent years have seen some New Yorkers pondering life beyond the iconic skyline. Here’s a look at why some residents are exploring new possibilities, driven by a mix of personal, economic, and lifestyle factors. … Read more

20 Ways Boomers Sabotaged the Future of Millennials and Gen Z

The Baby Boomers: a generation that rocked the economy like a hurricane, leaving behind a trail of financial challenges for those caught in the aftermath. As they strutted through the economic landscape, their moves were bold, but the footprints? Monumentally deep. Here’s 20 seismic shifts they initiated, making the American Dream a tougher climb for … Read more

21 Moments Trump Alienated Black Voters

Donald Trump’s presidency was marked by numerous moments that alienated Black voters. How could anyone who believes that racism is unacceptable vote for him after these incidents? 1. Central Park Five Comments In 1989, Trump took out full-page ads calling for the death penalty for the Central Park Five, five Black and Latino teenagers wrongfully … Read more

21 Untruths About Immigrants in America

Immigration is a complex and often misunderstood topic. What are the common misconceptions that need debunking? 1. Immigrants Don’t Pay Taxes Do you believe immigrants don’t contribute financially? In reality, both documented and undocumented immigrants pay billions in taxes annually, contributing significantly to state and local revenues. 2. Immigrants Take Jobs From Americans Think immigrants … Read more

Right the Wrong: Biden Issues Historic Pardon to LGBTQ+ Military Personnel

Thousands of former service members are set to regain both their benefits and dignity with Biden’s most recent push for equality.  Righting a Historic Wrong President Joe Biden announces that he is “righting a historic wrong” by pardoning thousands of former U.S. service members that were previously convicted of violating the now-repealed military ban on … Read more

Hands Off Our Rights: 20 Ways Women Are Still Fighting to Decide for Themselves

The debate over reproductive rights is a pivotal issue that touches on autonomy, privacy, and control over one’s own body. Below, we explore 20 crucial points in the ongoing discussion about who should have authority over women’s reproductive decisions and the broader implications of these controls. 1. Historical Context Reproductive rights have been contested for … Read more

Wall to Welcome: How Immigration Policies Are Dividing Opinion in America

Immigration policy in the United States has long been a subject of heated debate, often reflecting the tension between national security and the values of diversity and humanitarianism. As we examine these 21 key points, think about how these policies balance protection with potential prejudice, and consider their impacts on both individuals and broader societal … Read more

Millennials Face Tougher Times Than Boomers Ever Did

In the endless generational debate, it’s often argued that Baby Boomers had a smoother path in many aspects of life compared to Millennials. From economic stability to technological advancements, the differences in challenges faced by these two generations are stark and significant. Here are 21 ways Boomers had it easier than Millennials: 1. Housing Affordability … Read more

21 Ways American Tourists Annoy the Rest of the World

Ready for some tough love? As an American tourist, you might be doing things that annoy locals without even realizing it. You might be surprised by how many of these travel faux pas you’re guilty of. 1. Talking Too Loudly American tourists are often accused of speaking at volumes better suited for sporting events than … Read more

18 Ways Texas’ Racist Roots Are Still Alive

Think Texas has moved past its racist roots? Think again. Here’s a look at the ongoing issues that prove racism is still alive and well in the Lone Star State.. 1. Racial Profiling by Law Enforcement Numerous reports indicate that African American and Latino communities are disproportionately targeted by Texas police for traffic stops and … Read more

Here to Serve: 21 Reasons LGBTQ and Military DO Mix

Have you ever wondered how LGBTQ individuals fit into the military today? Although the past was marked by exclusion and discrimination, times have changed, and here’s why LGBTQ members are now an integral part of the armed forces. 1. Diverse Perspectives Enhance Problem-Solving Imagine how different perspectives can improve strategy and innovation. LGBTQ service members … Read more

Gaslighting: 21 Signs You’re Being Manipulated

Gaslighting can be subtle and insidious, making it hard to recognize. Are you wondering if someone’s comments or questions might be undermining your reality? Here are some common red flags to help you identify gaslighting in conversations. 1. “Are you sure you remember that correctly?” This question can make you doubt your memory and perception, … Read more

“Under Attack” – Biden Campaign Ramps Up LGBTQ Support in Pittsburg

The Biden campaign announces their plan to attend over 200 Pride events this month to bolster support for the LGBTQ+ community.  Biden’s Pride Month Commitment In honor of the upcoming presidential election, Biden’s campaign announced their commitment to attending as many Pride month celebrations as possible.  Extensive Event Attendance Biden announced that his campaign plans … Read more

LGBTQ+ Migrants Face ‘Triple’ Threat Crossing the Mexican Border

While navigating violence and discrimination, queer migrants face new challenges while crossing the border in Mexico. Major Migratory Corridor Mexico has officially become one of the biggest migratory corridors in the entire world. Many members of the LGBTQ+ community are attempting to cross the border into safety, but are meeting even more pushback.  The Daily … Read more

Groundhog Day: 19 Ways Pennsylvania Is Stuck the Past

Pennsylvania, with its deep roots in history and tradition, often feels like it’s caught in a time loop. Here’s how the Keystone State keeps reliving the same day over and over. 1. The Liquor Laws Buying booze in Pennsylvania is a trip back in time. State-run liquor stores with limited hours make grabbing a drink … Read more

Ranked: 20 Most Selfish States of America

Ever wondered which states are the most self-centered in the U.S.? Based on factors like charitable giving, volunteer work, and general civic behavior, here’s a scathing countdown of the top 20 most selfish states. 20. Oklahoma Oklahoma residents have been criticized for their lack of charitable donations and volunteer work. Despite the state’s strong community … Read more

“Ostracized” – North Carolina Parent’s Gender-Neutral Bathroom Request for Non-Binary Kids Sparks Backlash

A small town in North Carolina is making national headlines after a parent made a simple request on behalf of their six-year old children. Gender Neutral Bathrooms a Hot Topic in North Carolina Again North Carolina parent, Mortellus (who uses they/them pronouns), was shocked to find that a month after touring a new elementary school … Read more

Infertile Christians Left Devastated, After Southern Baptist Convention Condemns IVF

The Southern Baptist Convention, the governing body of a massive Christian denomination, voted to condemn in vitro fertilization procedures as a treatment for infertility. Church Members Reeling After SBC Decision Christian families experiencing infertility who belong to a Southern Baptist church may be forced to reevaluate their faith or their family-building options after the denomination’s … Read more

Crippling: 14 States Where Living Costs Are Crushing the American Dream

In the United States, affordability remains a pressing issue for many residents, with certain states facing particularly high costs of living. This analysis delves into the economic realities of the nation’s top 14 most unaffordable states, uncovering the factors contributing to their financial burdens. 1. Hawaii Hawaii consistently ranks as one of the most unaffordable … Read more

America’s No.1 Rudest State, According to Americans

Ever visited a state where the locals were less than welcoming? Whether it’s the aggressive drivers or the cold shoulder, here are the top 20 rudest states in America. Ready to see if your state made the cut? 19. Wisconsin Known for its cold demeanor and unwelcoming attitude, Wisconsin residents can be quite standoffish. The … Read more

State Showdown: Top Places Where the American Dream Lives On

Choosing where to live is a significant decision that impacts various aspects of your life. With data-backed insights, we’ve curated a list of the best states for different life stages. From career opportunities to retirement havens, each state offers unique advantages supported by research, making your decision easier. Best State for Young Professionals: Massachusetts Massachusetts … Read more

Healthcare on the Brink: Can America Afford to Get Sick?

The future of American healthcare insurance is at a critical juncture, with mounting uncertainties that could drastically impact your life and well-being. As contentious debates rage and policymakers clash, the stakes have never been higher. Are you prepared for a future where your healthcare might be on the line? 1. Rising Premiums Each year, insurance … Read more

Education or Ideology – Who Controls What Our Kids Learn?

What’s happening in our schools? The battle lines are drawn, with heated debates erupting from coast to coast. Here are 20 points that fuel this fiery debate, challenging what children should—and shouldn’t—learn in schools. Where do you stand in this clash of educational ideologies?  1. The Rise of Unschooling Advocates argue that unschooling, a student-directed … Read more

Underpaid and Overlooked: 14 Jobs Paid Less Than Deserved

Despite the economic prosperity of the United States, certain jobs are undervalued and underpaid, contributing to financial hardship and inequality among workers. These are the 14 jobs in the country that are paid less than they deserve, despite providing essential services. 1. Home Health Aide Home health aides provide vital care and assistance to elderly … Read more

Sidelined to Center: 20 BAME Athletes Who Shattered America’s Sports Ceiling

The world of American sports has been profoundly shaped by the contributions and triumphs of Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) athletes. These icons have not only achieved excellence in their respective sports but also have become symbols of inspiration and change beyond the playing fields. Let’s celebrate these trailblazers who have broken barriers and … Read more

Rebels and Legends: 21 Icons Who Shook America to the Core

America’s cultural landscape is shaped by figures whose influence transcends time and continues to impact our daily lives. How many of these icons do you recognize, and more importantly, how have they influenced your view of American culture? Let’s explore the movers and shakers who have left indelible marks on America’s heart and soul. 1. … Read more

Wage Wars: Is the Gender Pay Gap a Lie?

The debate about the wage gap is a complex one, filled with differing opinions on whether it represents an ongoing injustice or a misunderstanding of workplace dynamics. Here’s a deeper look into the factors influencing the wage gap and the arguments from both sides. 1. The Basic Wage Gap Statistic It’s often reported that women … Read more

LGBTQ+ vs. Women’s Rights in America, Why They Just Can’t Agree to Disagree

As society strives toward greater equality, the overlapping yet distinct struggles of the LGBTQ+ and women’s rights movements can sometimes align beautifully, and other times, collide messily. Let’s critically examine these intricate dynamics and challenge ourselves to think deeply about their implications. 1. Bodily Autonomy Women’s movements have long fought for bodily autonomy, particularly concerning … Read more