Gigantic Texan Pleasures: 21 Massive Must-Haves

In Texas, where the motto might as well be “Go big or go home to your reasonably sized state,” everything is served with a generous side of grandiosity. It’s a place where the steaks look at you as challenges rather than meals, and the pickup trucks are more like rolling fortresses. Let’s mosey through the … Read more

17 Reasons Americans Are Choosing Passports Over Politics

In a time when American politics feels more like a reality TV show that’s jumped the shark, an increasing number of citizens are looking to reroute their stress and frustration into something more constructive—like finding the nearest exit. With passports in hand, they’re seeking solace, sanity, and savings beyond the star-spangled banner. Here’s a rundown … Read more

Embracing Queer Identity in America: 21 Reasons to Celebrate

Hey, are you wondering why being queer in America rocks right now? Let’s check out 21 reasons to celebrate being queer in 2024 while acknowledging the ongoing struggles elsewhere. 1. Legal Protections Despite setbacks in other parts of the world, America continues to uphold legal protections for LGBTQ+ individuals, ensuring rights and freedoms. 2. Representation … Read more

I’m Queer and I’m Here: 15 Stages of Self-Acceptance

Are you ready to embrace your queer identity? Let’s explore the 15 stages of self-acceptance together and celebrate your truth. Are you ready to take the first step towards being your authentic self? 1. Confusion and Denial Feeling confused and denying your true feelings is a common starting point on the journey to self-acceptance. It’s … Read more

Diverse Ethnicities: 20 Damaging Myths About Race

Ever found yourself questioning the truths about race, wondering if some of these myths might hold weight? It’s time to confront those doubts head-on and unravel the tangled web of misconceptions together. Are you ready to alter your assumptions and challenge the status quo? 1. Race Determines Intelligence Contrary to popular belief, race has no … Read more

25 Reasons to STAY in America

The United States of America: a place so vast and varied, it’s like a hundred different countries wrapped up in one star-spangled package. From the dizzying heights of its skyscrapers to the deep-fried delights at the county fair, America is a land of endless opportunity and innovation. Have you ever marveled at a giant redwood tree or lost yourself in the neon-lit streets of Vegas and thought, “Why would I ever leave?”

Hotel Etiquette: Dos and Don’ts of Collecting Room Souvenirs

When you’re navigating the high seas of hotel stays, knowing what’s up for grabs and what’s strictly off-limits can transform you from a novice navigator to a savvy sailor. Here’s the inside scoop on those little luxuries and essentials—direct from the hidden diary of hotel secrets. 1. Miniature Toiletries: Pocket-Sized Spoils Those mini bottles of … Read more

18 Reasons Americans Flock to Tuscany for Retirement

Tuscany, known for its rolling hills, charming villages, and delectable cuisine, is becoming an unexpected hotspot for American retirees. Here’s why: 1. Affordable Cost of Living While Tuscany may have a reputation for luxury, it’s surprisingly affordable for retirees. With careful budgeting, one can enjoy a comfortable lifestyle without breaking the bank, especially in smaller … Read more

19 Affordable Snacks to Grab at Fast Food Spots

Navigating the world of fast food might seem like tiptoeing through a nutritional minefield, but fear not! Hidden among the calorie-laden offerings are some surprisingly healthy, wallet-friendly options. From secret menu hacks to vegetarian and vegan delights, let’s uncover where to find these nutritious treasures without emptying your pocket. 1. Subway’s Veggie Delight At around … Read more

20 Common Feminist Misconceptions

Feminist stereotypes often misrepresent the diversity and intentions of the feminist movement, potentially undermining the critical work of addressing inequalities. Here are twenty stereotypes about feminists and feminism that distort public understanding and impede progress. Why is it essential to critically evaluate and challenge these stereotypes? 1. Feminists Hate Men This common misconception portrays feminists … Read more

21 Reasons We Need to See More Black Women on TV

Are you ready to crown Black women as the reigning stars of television? Here are 20 reasons why their presence is not only essential but downright regal: 1. Representation Matters Black women deserve to see themselves reflected on screen in all their beauty, complexity, and strength. 2. Diverse Narratives Black women’s stories are as varied … Read more

20 Unhelpful American Stereotypes

Are we ready to confront the stereotypes that cloud our perceptions of American identity and challenge their validity? 1. Lazy Americans The stereotype of Americans as lazy overlooks the hard work and dedication of millions striving for success in various fields. 2. Ignorant of the World The perception of Americans as ignorant of global affairs … Read more

16 Most Hostile Countries for LGBTQ Rights

In an alarming number of countries, being LGBTQ can mean risking imprisonment, torture, or even death. This stark reality highlights the extreme dangers faced by LGBTQ individuals in certain parts of the world. Here are 16 countries where simply being yourself is a punishable offense, underscoring a global human rights crisis. 1. Nigeria Nigeria enforces … Read more

20 Clever Taxes States Impose Without You Noticing

Navigating through the maze of state taxation, you might be surprised at the variety of sneaky taxes that could be lightening your wallet without your full awareness. These creative revenue streams range from the environmentally motivated to the digitally driven, each with its own rationale but with one common goal: to boost state funds in … Read more

25 States That Promise Surprises, Good and Bad

Prepare for an adventure through America’s most visited states, ranging from the lively streets of iconic cities to the tranquil havens nestled within natural landscapes. While these destinations draw crowds for their allure, it’s important to keep in mind that popularity doesn’t always ensure a fulfilling experience. Be open to discovering hidden gems and unexpected delights beyond the beaten path.

Embrace Your Truth: 15 Questions to Uncover Your Sexual Identity

Understanding your sexual orientation can be a complex journey filled with questions. If you’re pondering whether you might be gay, asking yourself some introspective questions can help clarify your feelings and preferences. Here’s a guide with 15 questions to explore your sexual orientation. 1. Who Do I Imagine a Future With? Think about the gender … Read more

Abrosexual: Explained in 20 Points

Understanding sexual orientation can be complex, especially as our knowledge of the spectrum continues to evolve. Abrosexual is one such orientation that many might not be familiar with. It refers to an individual whose sexual attractions fluctuate over time. Have you ever wondered how fluid sexuality can truly be? 1. Definition of Abrosexual Abrosexual individuals … Read more

How to Leave a Straight Marriage for a Queer Partner

Leaving a straight marriage to pursue a relationship with a queer partner is a deeply personal journey filled with challenges and complexities. Ready to explore the steps to navigate this transition with sensitivity and grace? 1. Self-Reflection Take time to reflect on your feelings and desires, acknowledging the validity of your identity and attractions. Ask … Read more

19 Harmful Misconceptions About Transgender People

In a world fraught with misunderstanding and misinformation, discerning the truth about transgender individuals is paramount. Ever wondered what’s really true about transgender folks amidst all the chatter? Ready to cut through the noise and separate fact from fiction? 1. Transgender People Are Just Confused Transgender individuals aren’t confused; they’re authentic in their identity. Just … Read more

20 Misguided Beliefs About Queer People

Stereotypes can oversimplify and misrepresent the rich diversity within the LGBTQ+ community, often leading to misunderstanding and exclusion. Here are twenty stereotypes that persist about queer individuals, which contribute to biases and barriers. Why is it crucial to challenge these misconceptions? 1. All Gay Men Are Flamboyant This stereotype reduces gay men to a narrow, … Read more

Puberty Blockers: What Are They and Why All the Controversy?

Puberty blockers have become a significant point of contention in discussions about treatment for transgender youth, particularly due to concerns about their long-term impacts and the young age at which they are prescribed. As debates continue, it’s essential to critically examine the implications of using these interventions. Why are puberty blockers so controversial, and what … Read more

18 Cost-Effective Pets for Every Budget

Owning a pet can be one of life’s greatest joys, offering companionship and countless benefits for both adults and children. However, the cost can be a barrier for many. Here’s a look at the 18 cheapest pets to own, proving you don’t have to break the bank to enjoy the enriching experience of pet ownership. … Read more

Insurance Showdown: Analyzing Lifetime Costs VS Benefits

Understanding the benefits of different types of insurance can help individuals make informed decisions about coverage and policy options. While each insurance type offers unique advantages, they all share the common goal of mitigating financial risk and providing support when it’s needed most. 1. Health Insurance With an average lifetime cost of $200,000, health insurance … Read more

America the Great: 21 Reasons Why It’s the Best Country

The United States often feels like a parallel universe, where everyday norms defy expectation and the ordinary becomes extraordinary. It’s a place where creativity knows no bounds, from the culinary arts to the canvas of pop culture, setting the stage for a lifestyle that’s as diverse as its geography.

Fountain of Youth: 18 States With Highest Life Expectancy

Ever wondered where you might stretch out the most years on your biological clock? Some states seem to elude the Grim Reaper like pros, while others play host to a never-ending game of tag with mortality. In the U.S., your zip code could mean an extra decade to gripe about taxes or, well, not. Here’s a sobering glimpse at the spots where forgetting your own age is practically a hobby because you’ve outlived too many presidents.

Understanding Gynosexuality: Embracing the Fluidity of Attraction

Gynosexuality is a term that captures the complexity of sexual attraction beyond conventional categories. It specifically refers to attraction toward femininity, irrespective of biological sex or gender identity. This orientation highlights the fluidity and spectrum of attraction, offering a broader understanding of how individuals experience connection. But what does it really mean to identify as … Read more

Two-Gender Divide: Navigating the Evolving Debate

The debate over gender identity is more relevant than ever. Is the traditional binary view of gender adequate, or does reality demand a broader perspective? Join the conversation. For: Expanding Understanding Gender isn’t just about biology. It’s a complex interplay of culture, identity, and personal experience. Recognizing more than two genders isn’t a new concept; … Read more

25 Famous People Who Felt They Had to Hide Their Sexuality

Navigating fame and personal privacy can be a complex dance, especially when it involves one’s sexual orientation. Throughout history, many notable figures have felt compelled to hide or obscure their sexuality due to societal norms, professional risks, and personal safety. Here’s a look at 25 famous individuals who, for various reasons, kept their true selves … Read more

15 Early Indicators of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a complex mental health condition characterized by significant mood swings, including emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression). Recognizing the signs can be crucial for seeking timely help and understanding your experiences or those of a loved one. Here’s a look at some key indicators in a style that’s easy to … Read more

21 Ways LGBTQ History Has Been Hidden

LGBTQ history is rich and complex but has often been obscured or outright erased due to societal stigma and discrimination. This historical invisibility affects not just the LGBTQ community but also our broader understanding of human history. Here are twenty-one ways in which LGBTQ history has been systematically hidden from public knowledge. 1. Censorship in … Read more

Peaks and Valleys: Montana and Washington’s Stark Contrasts

In the grand scheme of American wanderlust, Montana and Washington stand as titans of nature’s splendor, each offering a siren call to the soul of every traveler. Montana, with its untamed wilderness, whispers of freedom and adventure in the wilds, while Washington, with its misty shores and verdant forests, sings a lullaby of peace and introspection.

LGBTQ+ Realities: Navigating Life Across 17 States

Across America’s vast and varied landscape, the LGBTQ+ presence is uneven, with many areas reflecting not just an absence of community but a backdrop of active resistance against queer rights. Here, we delve into 17 states where the challenge isn’t just about lack of visibility but about overcoming active obstacles, navigating risks, and the concerning trend of legislation aimed at eroding transgender rights.

America’s Top 20 Most LGBTQ-Welcoming States

Who said geography was just about memorizing state capitals and river lengths? Imagine a map of the U.S. transformed into a tapestry of pride flags, each marking a story of resilience and celebration within the LGBTQ community. It’s not just about locating spaces where openness flourishes; it’s about connecting with the vibrant communities that make these places shine.

21 Ways #MeToo Changed Toxic Masculinity

The #MeToo movement has been a powerful catalyst for societal change, particularly in how we address and challenge toxic masculinity. This movement has sparked widespread discussions and actions that have shifted the behaviors and attitudes that constitute toxic masculinity. Here are 21 significant ways that #MeToo has reshaped this issue: 1. Spotlight on Consent #MeToo … Read more

21 Ways Black History Has Been Erased

Black history is American history, yet its narrative has often been sidelined, simplified, or altogether erased. This erasure isn’t just a relic of the past; it’s a recurring issue that reshapes how we understand history today. Here are twenty-one general ways that Black history has been systematically marginalized in the collective memory. 1. Textbook Omissions … Read more

21 Reasons Why It’s LONELY to Be a Man in Today’s World

Do you ever feel like you’re surrounded by people but still alone? It’s a common experience for many men in today’s rapidly changing society. Have you wondered why it’s particularly tough for men to forge deep, meaningful connections? 1. Stigma Around Expressing Emotions Men are often taught that showing vulnerability is a sign of weakness. … Read more

15 States Boasting Exceptional Internet Connectivity

When it comes to internet connectivity in the U.S., not all states are created equal. Factors like access to fiber-optic cables, population density, and the investment in infrastructure all play significant roles in determining the quality and speed of internet service. 1. Virginia Virginia tops many lists for internet connectivity, thanks in part to its … Read more

Travel Smart: 18 US Cities Where Crime Rates Are on the Rise

In the vast tapestry of American urban life, each city holds its unique allure, drawing tourists with promises of unforgettable experiences, rich history, and vibrant culture. Yet, beneath the surface of these magnetic attractions lies a more complex reality—a surge in crime rates that poses challenges to unwary travelers.

19 Ways Gender Disparity Negatively Impacts Men

Gender disparities impact various aspects of life, often discussed in terms of how they disadvantage women. However, men also face significant challenges due to societal expectations and norms related to masculinity. Here are 19 ways gender disparity negatively affects men: 1. Mental Health Stigma Men are often discouraged from expressing emotions or seeking help for … Read more

21 Reasons Americans Are Less Tactile Than the Rest of the World

In a global context, Americans often stand out for their relatively low levels of physical touch in social interactions. This cultural characteristic can seem peculiar, especially compared to more tactile societies. What makes Americans less likely to engage in physical contact? From historical influences to contemporary social norms, here are twenty-one reasons that help explain … Read more

20 Least Visited States in America

Welcome to the shadow realm of American tourism, where states languish in obscurity, their attractions as overlooked as your high school’s chess club president. Let’s embark on a saunter through the 20 states that tourists avoid like a group chat after 10 p.m. on a Friday. Brace yourself, as we uncover why these states are the wallflowers of the U.S. tourism dance.

Magnolia State: Pros and Cons of Mississippi Living

Imagine stepping into a world where your paycheck stretches like bubblegum and the promise of Southern charm meets you at every corner. Welcome to Mississippi, a land where the living is easy, the cost of living is easier, and every quirk adds color to the canvas of daily life. Here, your financial aspirations can don … Read more

21 Warning Signs of Diversity Tokenism

Welcome to the twisted carnival of diversity tokenism, where inclusivity is more sticker than substance, and your identity is just another prop in the corporate magic show. This isn’t just about feeling undervalued — it’s about the comedic tragedy of faux wokeness, where every ‘inclusive’ act is as transparent as it is superficial. Get ready … Read more

20 States With the Highest LGBTQ+ Population Percentage

Across the United States, the LGBTQ+ community flourishes in diverse environments, from bustling coastal cities to quieter inland states. Here, we explore the 20 states with the highest percentages of LGBTQ+ residents, shedding light on the cultural, social, and legislative factors that make these areas welcoming and inclusive. 1. California (4.8%) California leads with robust … Read more

Top 20 Romantic Retreats for Couples Across America

When love is in the air, the US boasts countless corners for couples to explore, from cozy mountain retreats to sun-kissed beaches. Whether you’re planning a honeymoon, anniversary, or just a spontaneous getaway, here are 20 romantic escapes that promise memories to last a lifetime. Pack your bags, grab your partner, and get ready to … Read more

15 Personalities Who Unexpectedly Came Out as LGBTQ+

In a world where being true to oneself can be challenging, celebrities coming out is a powerful moment of visibility and encouragement for the LGBTQ+ community. Their stories inspire countless fans and help break down stereotypes and barriers. Here are 15 celebrities whose coming-out stories surprised and uplifted their audience. 1. Ellen DeGeneres When Ellen … Read more

21 Reasons People Are Unhappier in Today’s World

Long gone are the days of simple pleasures like a 5-cent soda or sitting around the radio—welcome to the age of anxiety, overstimulation, and endless comparisons. Yes, we’re in the 21st century, where happiness sometimes feels like a collector’s item, occasionally dusted off but rarely used. 1. Social Media Envy Nothing says “good morning” like … Read more

21 Ways Being Gay Is Not Like the Movies

Ever wondered why your life doesn’t play out like a scene from a glossy romantic comedy? Where are those spontaneous dance sequences and why doesn’t your life have a soundtrack? Reality check: being gay isn’t an endless loop of fabulous parties and poignant heart-to-hearts on picturesque park benches. So, let’s debunk those movie myths and … Read more

America’s Top 20 Retirement Destinations

Finding the perfect spot to retire is about more than just good weather and nice views. It’s about how well a state meets your needs financially, health-wise, and in terms of lifestyle. Let’s dive into the states that offer the best packages for retirees. 1. Florida Florida is not just about sunny skies and beaches; … Read more

21 American Habits That Baffle the Rest of the Globe

From quirky habits to cultural norms, America has its fair share of characteristics that might raise eyebrows elsewhere. Here’s a humorous exploration into 21 of those peculiarities, including some less typical ones. 1. Refusing the Metric System America clings to inches, feet, and pounds with patriotic fervor, leaving the rest of the world calculating conversions. … Read more

Price Tag of Comfort: Cost of Living Across 22 States

Welcome to the varied financial terrain of the United States. The cost of living fluctuates dramatically from coast to coast, influenced by factors like housing, groceries, utilities, and the small indulgences that make life enjoyable. Let’s explore the financial realities of 22 states, where achieving comfort demands more than just spare change and good intentions. … Read more

21 Why Gay Men Make the BEST Friends

So you think having a gay best friend is like living in a non-stop episode of “Queer Eye”? Think again. Sure, the perks are real, but it’s not just about fashion tips and gossip—though, who’s going to turn down expert advice on either? While the world loves to stereotype gay men as the ultimate accessory, … Read more

21 Ways to Make a Millennial Mad

Millennials: the generation everyone loves to critique. From the avocados on their toast to their reliance on technology, it seems like they have unique triggers that set them apart from the rest. Born into a world poised on the brink of digital revolution, they’ve reshaped culture with a swipe of their smartphone screens. Yet, despite … Read more

19 American Destinations Where Time Stands Still

Ever feel like you need a break from the 21st century? Maybe you’ve thought, “I wish I could experience the roaring ’20s, the groovy ’60s, or even the not-so-distant ’90s again.” Well, pack your bags (and maybe a flux capacitor) because here are 19 places in America that will have you questioning whether you’ve accidentally … Read more

America’s Top 25 Most Sought-After States

America, a tapestry of landscapes and cultures, draws visitors for countless reasons. From the quiet charm of rolling vineyards to the electric buzz of city streets, each state offers a unique allure. Let’s count down to the most visited state, uncovering the magnetism that draws millions each year. 25. Missouri With jazz echoing through Kansas … Read more

21 Unspoken Secrets of True American Identity

Being American comes with its own set of unwritten guidelines — quirky, yet quintessential to the fabric of society. From BBQ etiquette to remote control diplomacy, here are 21 unspoken rules that every true American knows and abides by. 1. Thou Shalt Never Pass up a Free Sample Free food? Count us in! Whether it’s … Read more

18 BANNED LGBTQ+ Books in America

Books often serve as windows into experiences and identities different from our own, offering valuable perspectives. However, throughout history and even today, many books, especially those exploring LGBTQ themes, have faced censorship in various parts of the United States. Here are 18 significant LGBTQ-themed books that have been challenged or banned in America, complete with … Read more

Discover Idaho: Top 20 Reasons to Visit

Idaho, often overshadowed by its more famous neighbors, is an undiscovered gem waiting to sparkle under your vacation radar. From its landscapes’ rugged beauty to its towns’ quiet charm, Idaho offers a retreat into nature where celebrities quietly escape and adventurers openly thrive. Here’s why Idaho should be your next getaway destination, with a sprinkle … Read more

Top 15 US States Rising in Popularity

Forget the usual suspects; a new crew of states is stepping into the limelight, flaunting unbeatable combos of affordability, job opportunities, and that elusive quality of life. These places are flipping the script on the American dream, making it not just a pursuit but a reality for those in the know. Here’s the lowdown on … Read more

Top 25 States Making Money in Tourism Revenue

Tourism plays a significant role in the U.S. economy, with certain states leading the charge by turning their unique attractions into major sources of revenue. Let’s explore which states are leading in tourism income and how they’re doing it. Did your state make the list? 1. California: Tourism Revenue Powerhouse California is a leader in … Read more

21 Times Biden Stood Up for LGBTQ+ Rights

President Joe Biden has made LGBTQ+ rights a central theme of his career, especially during his presidency. His administration has actively sought to restore and expand protections that were eroded or outright dismantled in previous years. With a history of vocal support, Biden’s advocacy offers a stark contrast to policies that marginalize LGBTQ+ communities. How … Read more

Life After 50: 20 Things That Turned Out to Be Fiction

Think life slows down after 50? Guess again. The big five-oh is not the curtain call some might imagine—it’s an act break with plenty still in store. Are you holding onto outdated notions about what it means to hit this milestone? From career changes to new adventures, life post-50 is rife with opportunities that defy … Read more

Gay Identity: 18 Ways to Deal with Non-Accepting Loved Ones

Navigating the waters of acceptance can be tough, especially when it involves someone close who struggled to accept your sexual orientation. Repairing such a relationship doesn’t happen overnight, but with patience, understanding, and genuine effort, bridges can be rebuilt. 1. Open the Dialogue Start by reopening communication. Choose a comfortable setting and express your willingness … Read more

21 Things Women Say That Mean the Opposite

Navigating the cryptic corridors of everyday banter, one can’t help but marvel at the classic phrases women deploy — those innocuous little bombs wrapped in velvet. Who decided that communication should be straightforward? Not women, clearly. These phrases, layered with double meanings, serve as both shields and lances in the jousts of daily conversation. 1. … Read more

18 Ways to Annoy a Baby Boomer

Here’s your guide to mildly annoying your beloved Boomers with a smirk, all in good fun of course. Whether it’s baffling them with the latest tech or challenging their nostalgia, we’ve got you covered. So, if you’re ready to tease a little and provoke some playful eye rolls, keep scrolling. Let’s bridge the generational gap … Read more

10 Ways to Stop Period Stigma

In a world that’s sent rovers to Mars, you’d think we could handle the conversation around periods without blushing, right? Yet, here we are, tiptoeing around a natural bodily function like it’s a secret society. Period shaming: it’s outdated, it’s nonsensical, and frankly, it’s getting old. So, how do we kick this antiquated attitude to … Read more

Top 19 Most Expensive States for Retirement

Dreaming of a stress-free retirement? Location is key, and some states, with their high costs of living and hefty taxes, can devour your retirement savings faster than you can say “401(k).” Let’s countdown to the most expensive states to retire in. Yes, we’re talking real numbers, so you can make informed decisions about where to … Read more

21 Things You Can ONLY Do in America

The U.S. dances to its own beat, especially when it comes to laws that make the rest of the world do a double-take. Here’s a lineup of things that scream “Only in America,” sticking strictly to what’s written in the law books. Ready for a tour through the American legal landscape that’ll leave you wondering … Read more

20 Disadvantages of Positive Discrimination

Ever wondered if that sweet taste of positive discrimination is just a sugar-coated pill? While designed to level the playing field, sometimes these well-meaning policies might just be swapping one set of biases for another. Let’s dissect the potential pitfalls of positive discrimination — because who said good intentions always lead to good outcomes? Are … Read more

20 Sexist Behaviors of the 70s That Are Unacceptable Today

Picture this: It’s the 1970s. Disco rules the airwaves, fashion is flashy, and sexism is so entrenched it’s almost part of the decor. Fast forward to today, and many of the era’s norms are now cringe-worthy relics of a less enlightened time. As we explore 20 blatantly sexist behaviors that were all the rage back … Read more

21 Things About ADHD That You Should Know

ADHD isn’t just about bouncing off the walls and getting distracted by squirrels. It’s a complex brain-based disorder that affects how you pay attention, sit still, and control impulses. People often misunderstand its nuances, thinking it’s a one-size-fits-all label for energetic kids. But what’s really going on in the minds of those with ADHD? Aren’t … Read more

21 Warning Signs of LGBTQ Tokenism

Alright, let’s cut to the chase. Ever felt like your queer identity is just a flashy badge some folks flaunt for street cred? It’s like, congrats — you’re the token LGBTQ+ pal or colleague! If that feels all too familiar, you’re not just imagining it. Tokenism can sneak into your daily life wrapped in a … Read more

21 Things Only New Yorkers Understand

New York City: a place so unique, it has its own language. If you’re not from the Big Apple, some things New Yorkers say might leave you scratching your head. Here’s a list of phrases that are quintessentially New York. Get ready to talk like a local! 1. “I’m Walking Here!” This phrase is more … Read more

Top 15 Weird and Wonderful Texan Traditions

Texas: a state so large it has its own traditions, some of which might have the rest of the world (and even some fellow Americans) scratching their heads. Here’s a light-hearted look at 15 weird traditions that make Texas uniquely…well, Texas. 1. High School Football Rivalries In Texas, Friday nights are sacred, and high school … Read more

21 Things We Should Say More to Our LGBTQ+ Friends

It’s time to shatter the silence, ignite the flame of solidarity, and unleash a torrent of affirmations that echo through the corridors of love and acceptance. So strap in, because we’re about to embark on a journey that challenges norms, sparks conversations, and celebrates the beautiful mosaic of identities within our LGBTQ crew. 1. “I’m … Read more

21 Reasons Why Trump Is a TERRIBLE Choice for LGBTQ+ Community

Donald Trump’s presidency was a stark exhibit of regressive policies and divisive rhetoric, particularly impacting the LGBTQ+ community. His tenure was marked by a systematic dismantling of rights and protections, which had been hard-won over years of advocacy. 1. Reversal of Transgender Protections Trump’s administration revoked critical Obama-era protections that allowed transgender students to use … Read more

Speak Love, Not Shame: 21 Relationship Phrases to Avoid

Hey everyone, let’s talk about something that’s not only common but also incredibly destructive in relationships: shaming language. Now, you might not always recognize it when it happens, because sometimes these phrases are thrown around during heated moments or even masked as ‘just joking.’ But understanding what shaming language looks like is crucial to maintaining … Read more

15 Reasons for Flying the Pride Flag

Flying the Pride flag is more than just a colorful display; it’s a powerful symbol of visibility, acceptance, and rights for the LGBTQ+ community. As the flag soars, it sends a message of inclusion and support, breaking through the static of indifference and challenging the status quo. 1. Advocating Visibility Raising the Pride flag makes … Read more

21 Influential LGBTQ+ Voices Leading the Way on Social Media

In the digital age, the fight for LGBTQ+ rights and visibility finds powerful allies in social media’s vast landscape. These 18 trailblazers are not just participating in the dialogue; they’re at the forefront, crafting content that challenges, educates, and inspires. Here’s a look at the voices reshaping how we understand gender, sexuality, and identity online. … Read more

15 Key Principles of Affirmative Action

Affirmative action can be a hot-button topic, shrouded in misconceptions and heated debate. It’s designed to address systemic inequalities and create more balanced opportunities across education, employment, and beyond. Here’s a breakdown of the essentials to help clarify what affirmative action involves and why it matters. 1. Definition and Purpose Affirmative action refers to policies … Read more

14 Things Banned in the U.S. But Embraced Abroad

Ever feel like America’s rulebook was written by someone with a dartboard? Across the pond or down under, things get even wackier. Let’s take a walk on the wild side of global “Do’s” that are definite “Don’ts” in the Land of the Free. Are you ready to find out just how bizarrely different the world … Read more

21 Big Retailers Where Prices Are Sneakily Climbing

As we navigate the aisles of budget-friendly retail giants, an unspoken change has been taking place. The value propositions that once defined these stores are gradually shifting, making it more important than ever to keep a keen eye on the price tags. Let’s uncover the 21 major retail chains known for their low prices where … Read more

21 States Where Social Security Stays Tax-Free

Retirement planning isn’t just about the numbers in your bank account; it’s about finding a place where those numbers let you live most freely and joyously. Among the myriad considerations, one crucial aspect is finding a haven where Social Security benefits aren’t nibbled away by taxes. Let’s journey through the 21 states that not only … Read more

$1000 a Month Living Across the U.S. – From Big to Small

The quest for affordable living spaces across the U.S. paints a vivid picture of how far $1,000 can stretch from one city to another. This journey through America’s diverse rental market showcases not just the square footage you can snag for your budget but also the quality and locale you might expect. Here’s how property … Read more

15 Celebrities Who Boldly Came Out

The closet door has been swinging open with increasing frequency as more celebrities embrace their truth with pride and joy. Here’s a roll call of stars who’ve stepped into the light, showing everyone that being true to oneself is the ultimate role to play. Remember, it’s not just about coming out; it’s about letting the … Read more