The popular media outlet, NBC, recently faced significant backlash after reviving a June essay written by reporter Char Adams on the topic of black people needing “safe spaces” to enjoy outdoor activities. Here’s the full story.
The Racist Essay

The essay focused on black-led outdoor groups aiming to provide spaces where black individuals can partake in outdoor activities without fear of harassment or racial trauma.
It Was Problematic

While the intention may have been to address historical racism and create inclusive spaces, critics argue that the approach of racially segregated “safe spaces” is problematic and divisive.
The Racial Discrimination They Faced

The essay highlighted several outdoor groups that were founded to combat the historical racial discrimination African Americans faced during the Jim Crow Era, which barred them from accessing National Parks and other outdoor spaces.
The Author Tried to Dispel Stereotypes

Additionally, Adams sought to dispel the stereotype that black people do not enjoy outdoor activities.
However, it was the suggestion of creating racially segregated “safe spaces” that ignited controversy.
This Is Dividing the People

Critics argued that promoting racially segregated spaces perpetuates division rather than fostering unity and inclusion.
Fear of the Outdoor

The idea of avoiding outdoor activities due to fear of encountering white individuals with political affiliations like “Trump flags” was met with skepticism and accusations of race-baiting.
Forcing Racial Divisions

Instead of promoting diversity and breaking down barriers, some perceived the article as reinforcing racial divisions and implying that black people are inherently fragile and unable to navigate outdoor spaces without special treatment.
The Article Looks Like a Parody

Defense attorney Marina Medvin humorously remarked that the outdoors was now being labeled as “racist,” while radio host Jason Rant dismissed the article as a parody rather than credible news reporting.
This Is an Example of Neuroticism

Professor Wilfred Reilly criticized the article as an example of “upper-class left-wing neuroticism and fake race/gender grievance” from the media.
Black People Are Not Living in a Horror Movie

NewsNation reporter Zaid Jilani also chimed in saying, “’Does a week go by without an article from a once-reputable news organization suggesting minorities live in an endless M. Night Shyamalan movie where our entire lives are spent hiding from this or that?’”
Everyone Enjoys the Outdoors!

Many critics of the article emphasized that black individuals, like people of all races, have been enjoying outdoor activities for centuries without needing racially segregated spaces.
Online Users Expressed Their Views

Several online media users expressed their thoughts on the article.
One user wrote, “They are not so weak and oppressed that they can’t hike, fish, hunt, picnic, swim, etc… without feeling unsafe. Black people do not need safe places to enjoy the outdoors! What a race-baiting asinine idea!’”
This Is Some Special Stupid

Another user added, “It takes a special breed of stupid to be traumatized by being outdoors. And it takes an even special breed of stupid to make something racist out of it.”
The post News Outlet Criticized for Claiming Black Campers Need ‘Safe Spaces’ From White People to Avoid Trauma first appeared on Pulse of Pride
Featured Image Credit: Pexels / Mido Makasardi. The people shown in the images are for illustrative purposes only, not the actual people featured in the story.