Seattle Middle Schoolers Challenge Moms for Liberty in Support of Inclusivity

Right-wing political organization Moms for Liberty criticized letters received from middle school students in Seattle that called out the group for anti-LGBTQ ideologies.

Conservative Group Receives Mail from Students

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Janna Golovacheva

Last week, Moms for Liberty received an envelope full of letters from Seattle middle school students who were fed up with the group’s treatment of LGBTQ people.

“Stop Bullying” – Students Ask Moms for Liberty to Back Off LGBTQ People

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Suzanne Tucker

The letters, which were decorated with rainbow colors, drawings, and stickers, asked Moms for Liberty to “stop bullying.”

“Gay Is Slay”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Wut_Moppie

“Gay is slay. Stop being a rat. Dear Moms for Liberty, stop bullying and excluding LGBTQ youth and families. From a Seattle public school student,” said one letter.

“Love Is Love”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / SewCreamStudio

“Love is love & ur wrong!” read another. “Grow up! I’m more mature than you.”

Moms for Liberty Responds

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Bernardo Emanuelle

Moms for Liberty went online to show off the letters they received, saying that it was evidence of indoctrination.

Schools are “Indoctrinating and Weaponizing” Kids

Image Credit: Shutterstock / AimPix

“Seattle Public Schools are spending class time indoctrinating and weaponizing your children,” they wrote. “The building of the Red Guard in America.”

School System Confirms Students Sent Letters

Image Credit: Shutterstock /fizkes

The school system responded, confirming that the cards were sent by students to Moms of Liberty.

Letters Were “Not Part of the School Curriculum”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Roman Samborskyi

“The materials in question were sent last spring as an independent activity and not part of the school curriculum,” said a representative for Seattle Public Schools. 

“We Take Great Pride in Our Unwavering Support for LGBTQIA+ Students”

Image Credit: Shutterstock/ Jacob Lund

“We firmly uphold the rights of our students, staff, and families to express their authentic selves,” they continued. “We take great pride in our unwavering support for LGBTQIA+ students, staff, and families, which is reflected in our policies and everyday practices.”

M4L Members Respond

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

Moms for Liberty’s Tiffany Justice posted online about the letters. 

“I just came across an envelope that made its way to our office. Inside are letters to M4L from a Seattle Middle School protesting against ‘LGBTQ hate,’” Justice wrote. 

“Moms for Liberty Has Gay Members”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

“Love who you want,” she continued. “Moms for Liberty has gay members. We have members with gay kids.”

“This is About the Sexualization of Children”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Roman Samborskyi

“This isn’t about sexual orientation. This is about the sexualization of children. It’s completely unnecessary and actually quite harmful,” Justice said. 

SPS Received Backlash Earlier This Year

Image Credit: Shutterstock / The Image Party

Seattle Public Schools came under fire over the summer after Parents Defending Education found that two of its medical centers offered “gender reaffirming care” to middle and high school students in the district.

“Terrifying” for Schools to Provide Gender Affirming Care

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Roman Samborskyi

“It’s bad enough that medical professionals are prescribing cross-sex hormones and cutting off breasts and genitals of minors,” said Erika Sanzi of PDE. “It is a whole new level of awful and terrifying for schools to be involved.”

School System Clarifies Offerings

Image Credit: Shutterstock / sebra

The school system responded to clarify what the centers actually offered.

Healthcare Clinics Provide “Comprehensive Primary Care”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / metamorworks

“These clinics provide students with access to comprehensive primary care and behavioral health services.

Access to these services enables the early intervention, prevention, and treatment of health-related barriers to learning with the goal of promoting school attendance and improved academic performance,” said a spokesperson for Seattle Public Schools.

Health Centers “Follow All Applicable Laws”

Image Credit: Shutterstock /PreciousJ

“School-Based Health Centers follow all applicable laws and regulations pertaining to the provision of health care, including those relating to parental consent and patient confidentiality,” they continued.

SPLC Calls M4L and PDE “Hate Groups”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Andrei Porzhezhinskii

The Southern Poverty Law Center has identified Moms for Liberty and Parents Defending Education as “hate groups” earlier this year.

The post Seattle Middle Schoolers Challenge Moms for Liberty in Support of Inclusivity first appeared on Pulse of Pride.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Victor Velter. The people shown in the images are for illustrative purposes only, not the actual people featured in the story.