Longtime Migrants in Low-Income Districts Protest Favoritism Towards Newcomers in Housing and Work Permits

Protests are arising in cities as minority communities and migrants who have lived in the U.S. for decades become frustrated at new migrants receiving better benefits from the government.

Cities Bearing the Brunt

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The clashes between old and new migrants mainly occur in cities such as New York and Chicago, where two key issues are causing distress.

Harsh Conditions for New Immigrants 

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Many wrongly believe that new immigrants live comfortably, but the reality is quite the opposite. They face challenging circumstances.

Frustration Claims Explained

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Some undocumented families who have been living in the U.S. for a long time are feeling ignored, while others who have been in the country for far less time obtain their visas.

Migrant Worries About Where the Money Is Going

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Some communities believe too much money is spent on sheltering asylum-seekers while other essential social programs suffer.

“What About Us?” Cries Mexican Community

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“You’re seeing it in the Black community in Chicago, and now you’re seeing the intensity of the anger and hurt in the Mexican community, who say, ‘What about us? We’ve been working here for 20 years,’” claimed one spokesperson for the American Business Immigration Coalition.

Second-Class Citizens

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They also revealed that some older migrants are “being displaced by new migrants who are coming in with a work permit.”

Long-Standing Community Frustration 

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People who have lived in the U.S. for “10, 20, 25, 30 years” and followed the rules by “working, paying taxes, sending money back to Mexico” are growing frustrated, according to an Illinois Rep. 

False Promises by Political Leaders

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Illinois Rep. Jesus Garcia claims that these law-abiding citizens are fooled by false promises made by political leaders regarding immigration reform.

Migrants Acting Better Than Americans

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Garcia claimed that some of these frustrated migrants are “probably being better citizens than most Americans.”

Changing Migration Patterns

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The last significant immigration policy change was in 1986, but immigration patterns have evolved, affecting who comes here and why.

Misunderstanding Asylum-Seekers and Undocumented Immigrants

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Many wrongly think that asylum-seekers and undocumented immigrants are the same, creating the impression of a two-tiered system.

Media and Misinformation

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Media portrayal and misinformation have contributed to this tension, creating an atmosphere of uncertainty and anxiety among the American public.

The Story of the Brighton Park Protest in Chicago

Image Credit: Shutterstock / David Brickner

In the predominantly Latino neighborhood of Brighton Park in Chicago, protesters tried to stop work on a migrant camp as they became increasingly frustrated at the influx in the neighborhood.

Resident Concerns

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The protestors were a mix of minority communities and long-time migrants who feel forgotten, as they expressed worries about the lack of public safety that they believe migrants bring to the area.

Voices From Recent Arrivals

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“People should put themselves in the shoes of others,” said one recent arrival from Colombia, “please don’t hate us for wanting better stability for our people,” she urged the crowd of protestors.

Media Attention Fuels Violence

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Garcia claimed that it’s only Latino refugees that receive this much media attention, which results in public unrest, whereas “30,000 Ukrainian immigrants” who came to Chicago didn’t get anywhere near this much coverage.

Advocating for Immigration Parole

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Advocates for long-time undocumented immigrants are urging the Biden administration to grant immigration parole, allowing them to work legally until their documentation comes through.

The post Longtime Migrants in Low-Income Districts Protest Favoritism Towards Newcomers in Housing and Work Permits first appeared on Pulse of Pride.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Steve Sanchez Photos. The people shown in the images are for illustrative purposes only, not the actual people featured in the story.