Toxic Patriotism: 21 Ways Nationalism Is Tearing America Apart

As the 2024 presidential election heats up with Kamala Harris facing off against Donald Trump, America’s landscape is starkly divided. Extreme nationalism, fueled by toxic patriotism, plays a significant role in deepening these divides. Here’s how nationalism is tearing us apart. 

1. Political Polarization Intensifies

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The gap between Democrats and Republicans has widened significantly, with Pew Research Center reporting that as of 2023, 81% of both parties view each other not only unfavorably but as a threat to the nation’s well-being. This severe polarization threatens democratic discourse and cooperation.

2. Escalation in Hate Crimes

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According to the FBI’s latest report, hate crimes in the U.S. surged to their highest levels in 12 years by 2023, with racially motivated attacks constituting the majority. This increase correlates with heightened nationalistic rhetoric often amplified by right-wing figures.

3. Militarization of Public Events

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Patriotism in the U.S. has become increasingly associated with military strength. For example, the 2023 Independence Day celebrations included grand military displays, a trend that has grown under administrations that equate national pride with military prowess, potentially marginalizing anti-war perspectives.

4. Silencing Dissent

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The U.S. has seen a worrying trend in the suppression of whistleblowers and activists. According to Human Rights Watch, the crackdown on individuals exposing governmental wrongdoing has intensified, highlighting a shift toward authoritarianism that cloaks itself in the guise of national security.

5. Xenophobic Immigration Policies

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Under nationalistic influence, the U.S. has implemented stricter immigration controls. Data from the Department of Homeland Security shows a 40% decrease in issued visas in 2023 compared to 2015, reflecting a broader trend of using policy to curb immigration under the pretext of protecting American jobs and culture.

6. January 6th Capitol Riot

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The insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, exemplifies the extreme results of nationalist fervor. Fueled by false claims of a stolen election propagated by Trump and his allies, the riot aimed to overturn the election results, challenging the foundations of American democracy.

7. Distorted National History

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There’s a growing movement led by nationalist groups to promote a sanitized version of U.S. history that downplays racial injustices and other controversial aspects. In 2023, several states passed laws mandating “patriotic education” in schools, sparking debates over historical accuracy versus nationalism.

8. Economic Nationalism

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Under the banner of “America First,” policies promoting economic nationalism have led to trade wars that, according to a study by the Federal Reserve, cost the U.S. over 100,000 jobs by 2023 due to retaliatory tariffs and reduced exports.

9. Media Polarization

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Media outlets have increasingly catered to extreme political biases, reinforcing divides. A 2023 report from the Columbia Journalism Review highlighted how right-wing media platforms amplify nationalistic and often divisive narratives, skewing public perception and debate.

10. Erosion of International Standing

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America’s international reputation has suffered due to nationalistic policies, particularly in areas of human rights and environmental policy. A Pew Global survey found that favorable views of the U.S. declined by 20% in major European countries from 2020 to 2024.

11. Rising Anti-Asian Sentiment

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Amid the COVID-19 pandemic and rhetoric labeling it the “China virus,” anti-Asian hate incidents spiked. Stop AAPI Hate reported over 3,000 incidents in 2023 alone, fueled by nationalist rhetoric that often finds a scapegoat in foreign entities or diasporas.

12. Increased Surveillance

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The drive for national security has led to expanded surveillance measures. In 2023, the ACLU reported a 50% increase in surveillance requests approved by courts, raising serious privacy concerns and fears of an encroaching surveillance state.

13. Revision of Asylum Policies

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Stricter asylum policies under nationalistic governments have decreased approvals. Data from the Justice Department shows a drop in asylum grant rates from 65% in 2016 to just 30% in 2023, reflecting a harder stance against refugees and asylum seekers.

14. Decline in Cultural Exchange

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Restrictive visa policies have not only affected immigration but also cultural exchanges. According to the U.S. State Department, there was a 25% decline in J-1 visa issuances for cultural exchange programs between 2020 and 2023, diminishing the cross-cultural understanding that mitigates extreme nationalism.

15. Increased Law Enforcement Militarization

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Federal grants have facilitated the militarization of local police forces across the U.S., a trend documented by the National Institute of Justice. This militarization often accompanies a nationalistic agenda that prioritizes force over community-based policing strategies.

16. Division Over Climate Change

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Nationalistic rhetoric has polarized the climate change debate. The Environmental Protection Agency’s 2023 report noted a significant partisan divide on environmental policies, with conservative movements often dismissing scientific consensus to prioritize economic nationalism.

17. Education System Disparities

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Nationalistic policies have exacerbated educational inequalities, often focusing resources on wealthier, predominantly white schools. Research from the National Education Association shows growing disparities in school funding, contributing to a less informed, more divided populace.

18. Reduction in Public Healthcare Funding

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With a focus on reducing government spending, public health sectors have seen budget cuts, adversely affecting particularly vulnerable populations. The 2023 Congressional Budget Office report noted a 15% decrease in public health funding, correlating with poorer health outcomes in low-income communities.

19. Nationalistic Crime Policies

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The embrace of tough-on-crime policies, often driven by nationalistic rhetoric about “law and order,” has led to increased incarceration rates without corresponding safety improvements. The Bureau of Justice Statistics in 2023 reported that despite higher incarceration rates, violent crime rates remained unchanged.

20. Racial Profiling Increases

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Racial profiling has escalated as part of national security and immigration enforcement efforts. A 2023 report from the Civil Rights Union found that racial profiling incidents had increased by 60% in the past five years, undermining civil liberties and worsening racial tensions.

21. Compromised Religious Freedoms

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Dragan Mujan

Increased nationalism has also seen a rise in religious intolerance, particularly against Muslims and Jews. Reports from the Department of Justice show a doubling of religious-based hate crimes from 2020 to 2023, often stoked by nationalist rhetoric.

Time for Reflection and Reform

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The evidence is overwhelming: toxic patriotism is tearing America apart from the inside. If we continue down this path, the nation’s future looks grim. It’s time for both leaders and citizens to reflect on these divisions and advocate for reforms that promote genuine unity and respect, rather than divisive and dangerous rhetoric.

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