21 Disturbing Trends in the Suppression of LGBTQ+ Freedoms

While significant progress has been made in advancing LGBTQ+ rights in America, challenges persist. This list explores 21 instances where the rights of the LGBTQ+ community have been suppressed, impacting their equality and well-being.

1. Conversion Therapy Legalization

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Several states still allow the harmful practice of conversion therapy, which attempts to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. (Source: Movement Advancement Project)

2. Discriminatory Employment Laws

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LGBTQ+ individuals face employment discrimination in many states without comprehensive federal protections. (Source: Human Rights Campaign)

3. Healthcare Discrimination

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Some medical facilities discriminate against LGBTQ+ individuals, denying them care based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. (Source: The Fenway Institute)

4. Limited Adoption Rights

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Same-sex couples face adoption restrictions in certain states, hindering their ability to provide loving homes for children. (Source: Movement Advancement Project)

5. School Bullying and Harassment

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LGBTQ+ youth frequently experience bullying and harassment in schools, impacting their mental health and educational experiences. (Source: GLSEN)

6. Transgender Military Ban

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The ban on transgender individuals serving openly in the military undermines their rights to serve their country. (Source: Human Rights Campaign)

7. Denial of Parental Rights

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LGBTQ+ parents may face legal challenges and discrimination in securing parental rights and custody of their children. (Source: Family Equality)

8. Violence Against Transgender Individuals

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Transgender people, particularly transgender women of color, experience disproportionately high rates of violence and murder. (Source: Human Rights Campaign)

9. Religious Exemptions

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Religious exemptions may allow businesses and organizations to discriminate against LGBTQ+ individuals based on their beliefs. (Source: Movement Advancement Project)

10. Limited Access to Gender-Affirming Healthcare

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Transgender individuals may struggle to access gender-affirming healthcare due to various barriers, including cost and discrimination. (Source: National Center for Transgender Equality)

11. Homophobic and Transphobic Legislation

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Some state legislatures introduce bills targeting LGBTQ+ rights, perpetuating discrimination and hostility. (Source: Movement Advancement Project)

12. Reduced Protections for LGBTQ+ Youth

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Rollbacks in protections for LGBTQ+ students, such as Title IX, can contribute to a hostile school environment. (Source: Human Rights Campaign)

13. Lack of Comprehensive Sex Education

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The absence of inclusive and comprehensive sex education leaves LGBTQ+ students without essential information about their identities and relationships. (Source: GLSEN)

14. Hurdles for Transgender Athletes

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Transgender athletes face barriers and discriminatory policies, preventing them from participating in sports aligned with their gender identity. (Source: Human Rights Campaign)

15. Limited Access to Name and Gender Marker Changes

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Some states impose burdensome requirements for name and gender marker changes on identification documents. (Source: National Center for Transgender Equality)

16. Discrimination in Public Accommodations

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LGBTQ+ individuals may face discrimination in public places, such as restaurants, hotels, and healthcare facilities. (Source: Movement Advancement Project)

17. Underreporting Hate Crimes

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Hate crimes against LGBTQ+ individuals are often underreported, leading to inadequate responses and support. (Source: FBI Uniform Crime Reporting)

18. Bullying in Online Spaces

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Cyberbullying and harassment target LGBTQ+ individuals in online communities and social media platforms. (Source: Cyberbullying Research Center)

19. Religious Freedom Restoration Acts (RFRA)

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RFRA laws can be used to justify discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals based on religious beliefs. (Source: ACLU)

20. Employment Discrimination in the Armed Forces

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Dikushin Dmitry

Transgender service members may face employment discrimination within the military. (Source: RAND Corporation)

21. Lack of Federal LGBTQ+ Protections

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Comprehensive federal legislation protecting LGBTQ+ rights is still lacking, leaving gaps in legal protections. (Source: Movement Advancement Project)

Despite progress in advancing LGBTQ+ rights, these 21 examples reveal the ongoing challenges and suppression faced by the community in the United States. Advocacy and efforts to address these issues are crucial for achieving full equality and inclusion for all.

The post 21 Disturbing Trends in the Suppression of LGBTQ+ Freedoms first appeared on Pulse of Pride.

Featured Image Credit: Pexels / Bricolage.

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