Musk’s Trans Daughter Speaks Out About Gender Identity

Vivian Jenna Wilson, daughter of tech billionaire Elon Musk, has spoken out against her father’s recent rant denouncing her gender identity.

Elon Musk’s Daughter Speaks Out

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In a revealing new interview, Vivian Wilson responded publicly to the Tesla CEO’s anti-trans and homophobic comments. Wilson called out her father’s hateful rhetoric and said she was speaking out because of his “blatant lies.”

Musk Turned to Jordan Peterson’s Platform

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Speaking with Jordan Peterson in a live-streamed interview, Musk held nothing back as he discussed his feelings about his daughter.

“I Lost My Son”

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“I lost my son, essentially,” said Musk, who went on to say that Vivian was “dead, killed by the woke mind virus.”

Musk Delivers a Stereotype-Fueled Rant

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Describing his perspective of Vivian’s childhood, Musk drew on several stereotypes often aimed at the LGBTQ+ community. Throughout the interview, the billionaire repeatedly misgendered his daughter, referring to her by her dead name and incorrect pronouns.

Musk’s War on “Woke”

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Musk further pressed the issue by using social media to continue his rant. Claiming that his daughter was “born gay and slightly autistic,” Musk’s comments centered around his disdain for “woke culture,” blaming it for Vivian’s gender identity. 

A History of Anti-Trans Beliefs Turned Personal

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Musk’s violently anti-trans rhetoric has a long history, but this is the first time he has spoken so openly and publicly about Vivian.

Daughter Denies Musk’s Recollections

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In response, Vivian — who changed her full legal name in part to sever ties with her father — pointed out that most of Musk’s claims were patently false.

Vivian’s Absentee Father

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Also turning to social media to share her feelings, Vivian spoke frankly about why she felt her father wasn’t qualified to speak about her childhood.

“He Quite Simply Wasn’t There”

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“He doesn’t know what I was like as a child because he quite simply wasn’t there,” Vivian said online. “And in the little time that he was I was relentlessly harassed for my femininity and queerness.”

Past Instances of Musk’s Hatred for Trans People 

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Musk’s disapproval of transgender people is widely documented. He has spoken out against transgender athletes competing in sports and even expressed anger about the concept of transgender children using the bathroom that best fit their identity.

Affecting the Business

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He has even gone so far as to base professional decisions on transgender politics, refusing to headquarter his businesses in states with certain protections for trans people. 

Musk’s Republican Political Ties

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Musk has been outspoken in his support for former president Donald Trump, with whom he says he believes in “a set of shared principles.” Trump has notably also engaged in anti-trans rhetoric throughout his campaigns and time in office. 

Musk’s Daughter Is Happier Without Him

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One of Musk’s twelve children, Vivian, says she is no longer interested in having any sort of relationship with her father. 

A Present Father “Maybe 10% of the Time”

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Despite having shared legal custody of his children, Vivian says Musk was present in her life “maybe 10% of the time.”

Vivian Credits Hormone Replacement Therapy as Life-Saving Treatment

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Now 20, Vivian says she is doing well after receiving the hormone replacement therapy that “definitely allowed me to thrive.” Musk says he was tricked into signing consent for said treatment, a claim Vivian also refuted. 

“He Was Not By Any Means Tricked”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Frederic Legrand – COMEO

“He was not by any means tricked. He knew the full side effects,” said Vivian. 

Other Family Members Staying Quiet 

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Musk’s other children have not spoken out in support of either their father or sister, but it is not clear what, if any, relationship exists between the blended family.

A Mother’s Support

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Vivian says she is thankful for the support of her mother, Justine Musk, with whom she moved in full-time around the time the COVID-19 pandemic began.

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Frederic Legrand – COMEO.

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