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Priest Warns America About ‘Woke’ Ideologies Overpowering Christian Values

British priest Calvin Robinson, now residing in the United States, has issued a stark warning to Americans about the dangers he believes come from left-wing politics.

Robinson, a well-known conservative commentator and Anglican priest, is concerned that the cultural and political shifts that have weakened the United Kingdom are beginning to take hold in the U.S. His message to Americans is clear: resist the influences of progressive ideologies that, in his view, undermine traditional values, religious heritage, and societal stability.

Concerns Over Cultural and Spiritual Decline

Robinson argues that the United Kingdom has experienced a severe cultural and spiritual decline as a result of embracing left-wing politics and policies that promote multiculturalism and secularism. In particular, he highlights the diminishing role of Christianity in British society. He believes that the country’s abandonment of its Christian roots has left a vacuum that has been filled by ideologies that prioritize diversity and inclusivity over foundational Western values.

Robinson refers to the historical identity of Western nations as “Christendom,” built on Christian principles and values. According to him, secularist intellectuals have been attempting to “pry Christ from the center of Western civilization” for centuries, starting with the Enlightenment. This effort to remove Christianity from the public and political spheres, he claims, has led to a weakening of the moral and ethical compass that once guided British society​.

Robinson’s views are particularly focused on what he sees as the dangers of “woke” ideologies—progressive movements that promote racial and gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, and social justice. He argues that these movements have taken the place of Christian values and ethics, leading to what he describes as the “crumbling” of Western society. In his view, the prioritization of diversity over tradition and the increasing rejection of Christian values are accelerating societal decline​.

Warning to the United States

In his move to the U.S., Robinson has carried these warnings with him, urging Americans to avoid making the same mistakes he believes the UK has made. He is particularly concerned that the United States is beginning to embrace the same left-leaning policies that have, in his opinion, contributed to the moral and cultural decay of Britain. Robinson notes that while American Christians are generally less hesitant to speak openly about their faith compared to their British counterparts, he fears that the U.S. is only about ten years behind the UK in terms of cultural and political trends​.

Robinson has criticized progressive policies on immigration, which he claims have led to the erosion of British identity and values. He warns Americans to be cautious about adopting similar policies, arguing that while multiculturalism can have benefits, it should not come at the expense of a nation’s core cultural identity. He believes that the UK has sacrificed its national values in the name of inclusivity, and he fears that the U.S. could follow suit if Americans do not take action to protect their cultural heritage​.

Criticism of Left-Wing Ideologies

A key element of Robinson’s critique is his opposition to what he sees as the influence of left-wing ideologies on religious institutions. He has been especially critical of the Church of England, which he believes has capitulated to “woke” theology, compromising its Christian values in an attempt to appear more inclusive. Robinson has spoken out against the Church’s positions on issues such as same-sex marriage, transgender rights, and the ordination of women, which he claims have contributed to the decline of Christianity in the UK​.

Robinson’s views have made him a polarizing figure in both the UK and the U.S. Supporters praise him for standing up for traditional Christian values in the face of what they see as an increasingly secular and progressive society. Critics, on the other hand, accuse him of being overly reactionary and out of touch with the social changes that many view as progress.

Despite the controversies surrounding his views, Robinson remains steadfast in his belief that the West, including the United States, is at a critical juncture. He argues that the rejection of Christian values in favor of progressive ideologies is leading Western societies down a dangerous path, and he encourages Americans to resist these trends in order to preserve their cultural and spiritual heritage​.

Message to America

Calvin Robinson’s message to Americans is rooted in his belief that Western civilization is in decline due to the abandonment of its Christian foundations. He warns that the U.S. must be vigilant in defending its cultural identity against the influence of left-wing ideologies, which he argues have already caused significant damage in the UK. While Robinson’s views may be contentious, they reflect a broader debate over the role of religion, tradition, and progressive politics in shaping the future of Western societies. As Americans continue to grapple with questions of identity, diversity, and inclusion, Robinson’s warnings serve as a reminder of the cultural and political challenges that lie ahead.

In a time of significant social change, Robinson’s call for a return to Christian values is unlikely to go unnoticed, especially among conservative religious communities in the United States. Whether his warnings will resonate more broadly, however, remains to be seen.

This article was first published on Pulse of Pride.

Feature photo credit: Shutterstock/Dziurek. The images used are for illustrative purposes only and may not represent the actual people or places mentioned in the article.

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