Minnesota’s Trans Youth Refuge Has a Lot to Thank Tim Walz For

The Minnesota governor and vice presidential candidate have been outspoken about his commitment to LGBTQ+ youth. Tim Walz’s policies in the North Star State created a safe haven for transgender children.

The Vulnerability of Being Transgender

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In the United States, transgender people are an extremely vulnerable population. In fact, statistics show that transgender Americans are at four times the normal risk of being the victim of a violent crime.

Minnesota’s LGBTQ+ Protections

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The state of Minnesota has a long history of LGBTQ+ protections, even preceding Governor Walz. Minnesota made history in 1993 when it designated LGBTQ+ people a protected class, making discrimination against them a crime. It was the first protection of its kind in the country.

Tim Walz’s LGBTQ+ Record

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During his tenure as governor, Walz expressed concern about the laws being enacted in other states that targeted LGBTQ+, and particularly transgender, youth. In a widely controversial move, he made conversion therapy illegal in the state of Minnesota.

Children Deserve to Be Valued

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“Our kids deserve to grow up in a state that values them for who they are — not one that tries to change them,” Walz said. 

Walz Bans Conversion Therapy

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He continued, saying that the purpose behind his executive order was to “protect young and vulnerable Minnesotans from the cruel and discredited practice of conversion therapy.”

“Love Over Hate”

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“We will continue to fight for love over hate every day,” Walz promised.

Access to Gender-Affirming Care

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In another executive order, Walz made sure that transgender people from other states would be able to access necessary healthcare in Minnesota. This order makes it possible for transgender people to receive gender-affirming healthcare regardless of their own state laws.

Trump’s Anti-Trans Ideology

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Donald Trump spoke critically of this policy, comparing it to kidnapping and suggesting that Walz and Minnesota officials were forcing transgender healthcare on children against their will.

Claims of Kidnapping

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Governor Walz “signed a law letting the state kidnap children to change their gender so that they go home,” said Trump at a recent Montana rally. His accusation has been echoed by his running mate, JD Vance.

Vance Reaches For Criticism 

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“What President Trump said…is that Tim Walz has supported taking children from their parents if the parents don’t consent to gender reassignment. That is crazy,” said Vance. 

“Mind Your Own Damn Business”

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“Tim Walz gets on his high horse about ‘mind your own damn business.’ One way of minding your own damn business…is to not try to take my children away from me,” Vance continued.

Walz Does Not Support Removing Children

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Despite claims from Trump, Vance, and others backing them, there have been no laws suggested or enacted by Walz that support taking transgender children away from parents who aren’t supportive of their transition. 

Walz’s Commitment to Keeping Families Together

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Instead, Walz’s law insists that children who receive gender-affirming care with their parents’ support cannot be taken away from their parents as long as they remain in Minnesota, even if their home state has conflicting laws.

Protecting Children From Violence

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/ Gorodenkoff

Moreover, the law seeks to protect children whose parents kick them out of their homes or react violently to the news that their child is transgender. It gives the court “emergency jurisdiction” in those cases to ensure the safety of the child.

Vance’s Anti-LGBTQ+ Work in Ohio

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In contrast, JD Vance has worked in his state of Ohio to prevent children from receiving gender-affirming care and criminalize the act of assisting them with it. 

Republican Ticket Shares Views

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Vance’s anti-LGBTQ+ views and efforts match with former president Trump’s, who spent his term in office undoing protections for LGBTQ+ Americans.

Harris Supporters Back Walz

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Supporters of Kamala Harris’s candidacy have been outspoken about their approval of her running mate. While Minnesota residents have expressed some sadness at the idea of losing him as their governor, they are equally thrilled to see him ascend to a national stage.

LGBTQ+ Find Hope in Gov. Walz

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For many LGBTQ+ people across the country, there is renewed hope that Walz will bring the work he has done in Minnesota to Washington, D.C. 

LGBTQ+ Advocate Speaks Out

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Kat Rohn, who serves as the executive director of Minnesota-based LGBTQ+ advocacy group OutFront Minnesota, told The Hill that Walz’s commitment to the community would be extremely meaningful if he is elected vice president.

Walz is “Unapologetically Supportive”

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“Even if a vice president isn’t necessarily driving every piece of a policy agenda, to have somebody who is unapologetically supportive of the community, who will stand for the community and has signed bills into law that really pushed the needle forward nationally, makes a huge difference,” Rohn said.

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