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Is America Ready to Elect its First Queer Vice President?

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The question posed among Democratic voters this week: can a Black, South Asian woman and a gay man win a presidential election in the United States?

VP Contenders Undergoing Vetting by Harris Campaign

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Rumors are swirling about who Kamala Harris will choose to run alongside her in the 2024 election. So far, United States Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg appears to be a top contender.

Trump Campaigns on the Offense

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While former President Donald Trump continues to campaign largely by launching attacks at his opponent, Harris is working behind the scenes to vet potential running mates for the November ballot.

Harris’s Vice Presidential Short List

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Sources say that so far, Harris’s campaign has compiled a short list of VP options, including Buttigieg, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona, and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. 

Is Buttigieg a Long Shot Pick?

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Andrew Cline

Many campaign experts believe that Buttigieg is an unlikely choice and that Harris would do better to consider a candidate whose sexuality would not be a main talking point during the election.

What Buttigieg Brings to the Table

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However, a growing number of Democratic supporters think Buttigieg may be Harris’s best option. Proponents of Buttigieg cite his excellent communication skills and experience with infrastructure as reasons he would do well in the role.

Pete Buttigieg vs J.D. Vance

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Others have contrasted Buttigieg with Donald Trump’s controversial choice for a running mate, J.D. Vance. Vance has been at the center of online frenzy since Trump announced his VP pick.

Vance’s Media Attention

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Callouts of Vance’s former statements against Trump, criticisms of his comments denigrating powerful women in politics, and memes spawned from false rumors have caused Vance’s name to trend in online spaces lately.

Buttigieg: Vance Has a “Weird Style”

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Buttigieg has joined in on the conversation, most recently discussing in an interview his take on Vance’s “weird style” that could “lead to weird policies.” 

Buttigieg’s Criticisms of Vance

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He referred to a suggestion Vance previously made that people who have more children should get to cast more votes in elections.

“One Person, One Vote…Pretty Basic”

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“I would think one person, one vote was a pretty basic, universally accepted principle in this country,” Buttigieg said. “There are so many strange policy commitments that [Vance] has.”

Concerns About Project 2025

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Buttigieg also expressed concerns about Vance’s proximity to Project 2025, an initiative designed to prioritize conservative Christian worldviews and agendas. 

“It is Basically Project 2025, the Book”

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“J.D. Vance wrote the foreword to the forthcoming book by the Heritage Foundation president,” said Buttigieg. “It’s the institutional home of Project 2025, which means it is basically Project 2025, the book.” 

“It Couldn’t Be More on the Nose”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Evan El-Amin

“It couldn’t be more on the nose in terms of revealing where a Trump presidency would take this country,” he continued.

Columnist Details Buttigieg’s Strengths

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Kate Aedon

In an opinion piece detailing why he believes Harris should choose Buttigieg as her running mate, writer Matthew Yglesias expressed the importance of the vice president’s ability to communicate effectively and in a way that would not alienate voters.

Buttigieg Has the “Gift of Gab,” Says Yglesias

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“Buttigieg’s gift of gab…is a generically useful skill,” wrote Yglesias. “Whatever platform you run on, you want surrogates who are skilled at explaining it.”

Money Talks

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Political analysts have also stressed that a VP candidate who can bring in large donations to the campaign is critical, and all of Harris’s contenders have that potential. 

How Important Is a Swing State VP?

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Some strategists think Harris’s best shot at a November victory is to choose a VP from a swing state, making Governor Tim Walz a strong choice. 

Progress and the Impact of Young Voters

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But in a campaign that is driven by the concept of progress, Buttigieg may be able to draw in younger voters who feel underrepresented by the current state of American leadership.

21 Beliefs About the Bible That Are Actually False

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The Bible is one of the most discussed and debated books in history, yet many common beliefs about it are more myth than fact. How many of these misconceptions have you heard before? 21 Beliefs About the Bible That Are Actually False

21 Subtle Racisms That Are Commonplace in America

Image Credit: Shutterstock / AlessandroBiascioli

Racism in America isn’t always overt; it often hides in plain sight through subtle actions and attitudes. How many of these subtle racisms have you noticed around you? 21 Subtle Racisms That Are Commonplace in America

Only Legal in America: 21 Things You CAN’T Do in the Rest of the World

Image Credit: Pexels / Ivan Samkov

The U.S. dances to its own beat, especially when it comes to laws that make the rest of the world do a double-take. Here’s a lineup of things that scream “Only in America,” sticking strictly to what’s written in the law books. Ready for a tour through the American legal landscape that’ll leave you wondering if freedom might just be a bit too free? Only Legal in America: 21 Things You CAN’T Do in the Rest of the World

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / lev radin.

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