Sanctuary Cities’ Price Tag: 19 Cities Bearing the Cost of Compassion

Sanctuary cities in the United States face financial challenges as they prioritize protecting undocumented immigrants while struggling with federal funding shortfalls. In this listicle, we spotlight 20 cities, examining their federal support, the financial gaps they confront, and insights from their mayors.

1. New York City, NY

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New York City received a total of $7.64 billion in federal funding, with an average cost of $894.07 per resident. The gap between funding and cost is substantial, highlighting potential strain on taxpayer resources.

2. Los Angeles, CA

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Los Angeles received $502.48 million in federal funding, with an average cost of $126.51 per resident. While federal funding helps, a significant gap exists between this support and the actual cost incurred.

3. Chicago, IL

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Chicago received a total of $5.29 billion in federal funding, with an average cost of $1,942.86 per resident.

Despite substantial federal funding, the cost to support sanctuary policies exceeds this amount, indicating additional financial burdens.

4. Washington, D.C.

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Washington, D.C., received $2.09 billion in federal funding, with an average cost of $3,228.23 per resident. Despite potential financial challenges, the disparity between federal funding and the actual cost underscores the city’s commitment to its sanctuary status.

5. San Francisco, CA

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sean Pavone

San Francisco received a total of $509.26 million in federal funding, with an average cost of $588.87 per resident. While federal support is significant, it falls short of covering the full cost, leaving local taxpayers to bridge the gap.

6. Philadelphia, PA

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Philadelphia received $589.56 million in federal funding, with an average cost of $376.13 per resident. However, this falls short of covering the full cost, creating a financial burden for local taxpayers.

7. Phoenix, AZ

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Phoenix received $284.89 million in federal funding, with an average cost of $182.27 per resident. Despite federal support, the gap between funding and cost remains, impacting taxpayers.

8. San Diego, CA

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San Diego received $474.83 million in federal funding, with an average cost of $340.39 per resident. The discrepancy between funding and cost highlights the financial strain on the city and its taxpayers.

9. Dallas, TX

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Dallas received $500.46 million in federal funding, with an average cost of $384.94 per resident. Despite federal assistance, there remains a gap in funding, posing financial challenges for the city.

10. San Jose, CA

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Uladzik Kryhin

San Jose received $215.68 million in federal funding, with an average cost of $210.03 per resident. The disparity between funding and cost underscores the financial strain on the city and its residents.

11. Austin, TX

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sean Pavone

Austin received $207.48 million in federal funding, with an average cost of $222.66 per resident. Despite federal support, the gap between funding and cost remains, affecting local taxpayers.

12. Hartford, CT

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sean Pavone

Hartford received $63.27 million in federal funding, with an average cost of $70.62 per resident. Despite federal assistance, the gap between funding and cost highlights the financial challenges faced by the city.

13. Seattle, WA

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Seattle received $283.63 million in federal funding, with an average cost of $414.38 per resident. However, the gap between funding and cost poses financial challenges for the city and its taxpayers.

14. Denver, CO

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Denver received $226.93 million in federal funding, with an average cost of $332.48 per resident. Despite federal support, the gap between funding and cost remains, impacting local taxpayers.

15. Detroit, MI

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Detroit received $252.32 million in federal funding, with an average cost of $372.63 per resident. Despite federal assistance, the gap between funding and cost highlights financial challenges for the city.

16. Boston, MA

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Boston received $766.79 million in federal funding, with an average cost of $1,149.37 per resident. Despite federal support, the gap between funding and cost poses financial challenges for the city and its residents.

17. Nashville, TN

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Nashville received $231.12 million in federal funding, with an average cost of $353.06 per resident. Despite federal assistance, the gap between funding and cost remains, affecting local taxpayers.

18. Portland, OR

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Portland received $173.69 million in federal funding, with an average cost of $274.69 per resident. However, the gap between funding and cost poses financial challenges for the city and its taxpayers.

19. Oklahoma City, OK

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sean Pavone

Oklahoma City received $127.11 million in federal funding, with an average cost of $201.33 per resident. Despite federal support, the gap between funding and cost highlights financial challenges for the city and its residents.

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The post Taxpayers Under Pressure From Costly Consequences of Sanctuary Cities first appeared on Pulse of Pride.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / FOTOGRIN.

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