Biden Marks Transgender Day of Remembrance, Confronts Surge in Violence Against Trans Community

November 20th is Transgender Day of Remembrance and President Biden released a statement acknowledging the 26 transgender Americans who have died due to transphobic violence in 2023.

Biden Speaks Out for Trans People

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Maria Yastrebova

In a statement released Monday, President Biden addressed Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day observed to honor trans people killed in transphobic attacks. 

“There Is No Place for Hate in America”

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“There is no place for hate in America and no one should be discriminated against simply for being themselves,” Biden’s statement read. 

“There Is More to Do” to Prevent Trans Discrimination

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Yekatseryna Netuk

“Today, on Transgender Day of Remembrance we are reminded that there is more to do [to] meet that promise, as we grieve the 26 transgender Americans whose lives were taken this year,” it continued.

Trans Women of Color at the Highest Risk

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Biden also acknowledged the fact that transgender women of color make up the majority of trans victims and that such crimes often go unreported.

Actual Death Toll Likely Much Higher

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“While each one of these deaths is a tragedy – the true toll of those victimized is likely even higher, with the majority of those targeted being women of color,” Biden said.

An “Epidemic of Violence”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Jacob Lund

An “epidemic of violence” is captured in a report by the Human Rights Campaign, which shows that Black trans women are at the highest risk of being killed for being transgender.

Secretary of State Speaks Up

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U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken also released a statement to honor transgender Americans on Monday.

“Trans individuals are a part of every country, every culture, and every faith tradition,” he said. “The United States honors Transgender Day of Remembrance to affirm the humanity and human rights of transgender persons globally.”

Trans People Are “Disproportionately” Targeted

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Maria Studio

Blinken addressed the higher rates of violence toward the trans community, confirming the “disproportionately high levels of homicide and assault.”

Many Anti-Trans Crimes Go Unreported or Unsolved

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“Their families and loved ones too often see no justice,” Blinken said.

Anti-LGBTQ Bills Threatening Trans Safety

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Due to the overwhelming number of anti-LGBTQ bills that have been passed in recent months around the United States, the landscape for transgender Americans is more uncertain than ever. 

HRC Declared State of Emergency for Queer Americans

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Bjoern Wylezich

The Human Rights Campaign issued a warning to queer people in the country, calling it a “state of emergency,” because of laws that have put the safety of LGBTQ people at risk.

“It Is Everyone’s Responsibility”

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In his statement, Blinken put the onus on all Americans to protect trans people, saying that “it is everyone’s responsibility to ensure trans people can live full lives of dignity, without fear of violence or harm.”

Trans Day of Remembrance on 24th Year

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Transgender Day of Remembrance, sometimes called TDOR or Trans Day of Remembrance, began in 1999 and has been celebrated each November 20th since. Founded by Gwendolyn Ann Smith, it began as a memorial to slain transgender woman Rita Hester.

“It Is Vitally Important…to Fight for Justice”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / AlexLMX

“Transgender Day of Remembrance seeks to highlight the losses we face due to anti-transgender bigotry and violence,” Smith said. “It is vitally important that those we lose are remembered, and that we continue to fight for justice.”

Biden Encourages Efforts to End Violence

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Crush Rush

President Biden’s statement concluded with a call to action against anti-transgender violence.

“We Must Never Be Silent in the Face of Hate”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / YASAMIN JAFARI TEHRANI

“We must never be silent in the face of hate,” he said. “As we mourn the loss of transgender Americans taken too soon this year, we must also recommit ourselves to never stop fighting until all Americans can live free from discrimination.”

The post Biden Marks Transgender Day of Remembrance, Confronts Surge in Violence Against Trans Community first appeared on Pulse of Pride.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / lev radin. The people shown in the images are for illustrative purposes only, not the actual people featured in the story.