14 Things You Can Do Around the World but Not in the US

Ever feel like America’s rules were created by someone throwing darts? Travel abroad, and the quirks get even stranger. Let’s explore some global “Do’s” that would be absolute “Don’ts” in the Land of the Free. Ready to discover just how wildly different the world can be?

1. Kinder Surprise Eggs, US vs. Planet Earth

Image Credit: Shutterstock / John New

America calls it a choking hazard, but the rest of the world sees it as chocolate with a dash of fun. Ever sneak chocolate eggs just for the excitement?

2. Public Drinking, US vs. Germany

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Mix Tape

Strolling through Berlin with a brew is just another Tuesday. Try that in NYC, and it’s ticket time. Cheers to freedom, or nah?

3. Jaywalking, US vs. UK

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Kristi Blokhin

In America, jaywalking is the walk of shame. In the UK, it’s just walking. Who knew crossing the street could be so rebellious?

4. Drinking Absinthe, US vs. Czech Republic

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Haletska Olha

America fears the Green Fairy, but in Prague, it’s just another spirit. Ready to chase the fairy on a Euro trip?

5. Hitchhiking, US vs. New Zealand

Image Credit: Pexels / Ekaterina Belinskaya

America sees a thumb, thinks danger. New Zealand sees adventure. Fancy a free ride through Middle-earth?

6. Kinder Eggs, Again

Image Credit: Shutterstock / New Africa

Because they’re worth mentioning twice. America, land of the free, home of the banned chocolate eggs.

7. Plastic Bags, US vs. Rwanda

Image Credit: Shutterstock / ARIMAG

America debates, Rwanda acts. Plastic bags are a no-go. Ever thought your shopping could be so controversial?

8. Raw Milk, US vs. France

Image Credit: Shutterstock / S.SUPHON

In America, raw milk is practically a narcotic. In France, it’s just breakfast. Got milk… vending machines?

9. Online Gambling, US vs. UK

Image Credit: Shutterstock / New Africa

America can’t decide, while the UK bets on open and regulated. Fancy a wager on American indecision?

10. Dual Citizenship, USA vs. The Chill Countries

Image Credit: Shutterstock / maramade

America taxes you worldwide. Other places, like Canada, let you globe-trot without the IRS on your back. Feeling patriotic yet?

11. Cannabis, USA (Federal) vs. Netherlands

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Adam Melnyk

America’s still on the fence, but Amsterdam rolls out the green carpet. High time for a policy change?

12. Pet Ferrets, California vs. The World

Image Credit: Pexels / Verina

California fears ferrets. Elsewhere, they’re just slinky pets. Ever felt like your pet choice was too radical?

13. Euthanasia, USA vs. Belgium

Image Credit: Shutterstock / joel bubble ben

America debates morality; Belgium offers a choice. A matter of life and death, or just personal freedom?

14. Exploring Antarctica, USA vs. The Adventurous

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Eleanor Scriven

Americans face hoops and hurdles. The rest of the world? Just pack and go. Who knew penguins were so exclusive?

Norms Aren’t Always Normal

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

So, there you have it—a world where American norms are anything but normal. Whether these global green lights make you want to pack your bags or just shake your head, one thing’s clear: the US isn’t just another country; it’s a whole different universe of can’t-dos.

21 Ignorant Lies About Americans the Rest of the World Claims Are True

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Michele Ursi

Americans are often the subject of wild assumptions and exaggerated stereotypes. Are these misconceptions affecting how the world views the average American? 21 Ignorant Lies About Americans the Rest of the World Claims Are True

Flawed Gender Tests: Olympic Committee Sends Plea to Boxing Officials

Image Credit: Shutterstock / ProPhoto1234

The International Olympic Committee has declared old boxing gender tests as flawed and illegitimate. This has arisen amid discussions regarding gender in Olympic female boxing matches. Flawed Gender Tests: Olympic Committee Sends Plea to Boxing Officials

Social Security Sham: 18 States Slashing Benefits

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sabrina Janelle Gordon

When you think about retiring, you might picture relaxing and traveling during your golden years. Social Security benefits help with this, but taxes can change depending on where you live. In some states, you might end up paying more taxes on your benefits. Let’s check out the 18 states where retirees face higher taxes on their Social Security benefits. It’s important to know so you can plan ahead and make the most of your retirement savings. Social Security Sham: 18 States Slashing Benefits

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Kittyfly.

For transparency, this content was partly developed with AI assistance and carefully curated by an experienced editor to be informative and ensure accuracy.

The images used are for illustrative purposes only and may not represent the actual people or places mentioned in the article.

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