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J.D. Vance Lets Down LGBTQ Community With His U-Turn on Stance

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JD Vance, the Republican vice-presidential candidate and running mate with former President Donald Trump, has taken a strong conservative stance by supporting Trump’s less supportive LGBTQ stance.

VP J.D. Vance

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At this year’s Republican National Convention (RNC), former President Donald Trump officially selected Ohio Senator J.D. Vance as his running mate for the upcoming presidential election.

Aligning With Trump

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Vance was originally very critical of Trump during his first run as President, but Vance has recently aligned closer with Trump, participating in several campaign events and fundraisers. 

Hillbilly Elegy and Initial Criticisms

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In 2016, Vance published “Hillbilly Elegy,” detailing his experiences growing up in poverty in the Rust Belt, and during the 2016 election, Vance was vocal about his disdain for Trump, labeling himself a “never-Trump guy.”

Past Comments on Trump

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Vance’s past descriptions of Trump included calling him “America’s Hitler” and “cynical… like Nixon,” highlighting the dramatic shift in Vance’s political alignment over the years.

Back and Forth

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Vance claimed that he wasn’t sure whether Trump is “cynical… like Nixon, who wouldn’t be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he’s America’s Hitler.” – J.D. Vance, text message during Trump’s 2016 campaign.

Changing Views on Trump

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Despite his initial criticisms of Trump running for office in 2016, Vance apologized for his past remarks about Trump during a Fox News interview in 2021.

Regretting the Comments

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In the 2021 Fox interview, Vance said, “I’ve been very open about the fact that I did say those critical things, and I regret them, and I regret being wrong about the guy.”

Vance’s Trans Support

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However, while Vance may have been “very open” about his criticisms of Trump, it would seem he has been far less open with his previous support of a transgender friend of his.

Supporting a Friend

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A former friend of Vance from Yale Law School, Sofia Nelson, has recently spoken out about their friendship and revealed Vance’s support for Nelson’s transition. 

Treats For a Friend

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At one point, Vance even brought Nelson home-baked treats after she underwent top surgery and was seemingly a very supportive friend, even if not fully understanding Nelson’s struggles.

The Foundation of Friendship

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“The content of the conversation was ‘I don’t understand what you’re doing, but I support you,'” Nelson told the Times. “And that meant a lot to me at the time because I think that was the foundation of our friendship,” he said.

Ending a Friendship

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Unfortunately, their friendship ended in 2021, largely due to Vance’s support for anti-transgender legislation after being supported by Trump.

Apology and Misunderstandings

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Vance also apologized to Nelson after referring to them incorrectly as a lesbian in his memoir, “Hillbilly Elegy,” showing a willingness to correct his mistakes and understanding of Nelson’s identity.

Not Just to Brag

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Vance wrote, “Hey Sofes, here’s an excerpt from my book. I send this to you not just to brag, but because I’m sure if you read it you’ll notice reference to ‘an extremely progressive lesbian.’”

Not Accurately Reflecting a Friend

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Vance then went on to say, “I recognize now that this may not accurately reflect how you think of yourself, and for that I am really sorry,” he wrote. “I hope you’re not offended, but if you are, I’m sorry! Love you, JD.”

Participation in LGBTQ+ Events

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Vance also attended San Francisco Pride in 2015, expressing his support and curiosity about the event and said it felt more like a “frat party” but appreciated seeing many happy people.

Braving the Crowds

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Vance wrote to Nelson, “I’m thinking of braving the crowds in S.F. just to people watch. It felt more like a frat party than I expected. But still nice to see a lot of happy people.”

Shift in Views and Political Alignment

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However, in recent years, Vance has adopted more conservative and anti-LGBTQ+ views in order to align more closely with Trump’s rhetoric. 

Changing Views

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When addressing this switch in mentality, Vance’s spokesperson explained, “[The] senator values his friendships with individuals across the political spectrum. He has been open about the fact that some of his views from a decade ago began to change after becoming a dad and starting a family, and he has thoroughly explained why he changed his mind on President Trump.”

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / lev radin.

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