5 Reasons Why not to Trust Your Real Estate Agent

Real estate agents are among the most misunderstood professionals in the United States. Although this job is supposed to assist people in purchasing homes, most people think it ends with a scam.

Real estate agents are among the most misunderstood professionals in the United States. Although this job is supposed to assist people in purchasing homes, most people think it ends with a scam.

Why do Housing Market Buyers not Trust Their Real Estate Agent?

Although many people do not dislike real estate agents, most housing market buyers and sellers are annoyed by some aspects of their experience working with one.

Housing market agents are infamous for being slow in responding to various types of communication. Around 48% of real estate inquiries never get a response.

1. Lack of Communication

Many consumers have the impression that their agent is not listening to their needs, whether it is showing buyers homes that are not even close to what they are looking for or sellers who do not realize they have options.

2. Lack of Respect

Most people lack the vast knowledge and expertise that real estate agents possess concerning purchasing or selling a home.

3. No Transparency

To be on par with today’s consumers, real estate agents must have the ability to harness technology. It involves more than having a smartphone in their pocket.

4. Agents Are Not Tech-Savvy

It also means using solutions for streamlining communications, operations, marketing, and sales, such as digital signatures, an up-to-date website, portal profiles, applications, and social media.

One of the reasons people do not trust real estate agents is that they do not put in enough effort.

5. Not Enough Attention and Work

Real estate agents who are successful work unusual and long hours. Few successful agents work “banker hours” Monday through Friday from 8 am to 6 pm or more.

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