
Find a Career That Won’t Feel Like a Compromise


What are you giving up to build your career?


Maybe you are compromising time at home with your family. Or perhaps it’s your health, integrity, or self-respect. The fact is most of us give up something to work on our careers.

But here’s the truth: Healthy careers don’t feel like a sacrifice. When we feel like we’re spending too much time at the office or putting our ethics on the back burner, we resent our jobs and work.

A Career Without Sacrifice

1. The Ball is in Your Court

If you don’t work at a place that cares about its staff, it might be time to look for another job. Be proactive. If you think you can do better, then you can.

2. Speak Up

If you don’t feel comfortable at work, you need to say something. Communicating openly about your job and working conditions is critical to a healthy career.

3. Find What You Love

Without rediscovering what you value most, it’s impossible to build a career that will make you happy and fulfilled. First, understand what you love about your job.

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