Too Much Doomscrolling? Staying Informed While Staying Sane in 2023

“Doom and gloom” is an expression first coined in the 1947 Broadway musical Finian’s Rainbow. It has been a part of our vernacular for nearly one hundred years, but never so consistently as it is today, as we are privy to almost unlimited access to horrific news.

A body is found in pieces in front of a Brooklyn pawnshop, while in Texas, two dogs maul a young girl: the news can be a killer. From Tolkien to Marvel: doom is a word we said long before it became a facet of daily life.

A body is found in pieces in front of a Brooklyn pawnshop, while in Texas, two dogs maul a young girl: the news can be a killer. From Tolkien to Marvel: doom is a word we said long before it became a facet of daily life.

Doomscrolling – the addictive trait of engaging too long and too often with bad or unsettling news – has been a regular part of life for some since the onset of the pandemic two years ago.

It’s such a popular term, the Oxford English Dictionary named it a 2020 word of the year.

Scroll Away; Scroll Away! While some admit it’s a bad habit, and seek balance, its effects can be debilitating for many others. Doomscrolling promotes stress, anxiety, and depression. And it’s not going anywhere, anytime soon.

In a 2022 study published by Johns Hopkins University, researchers Alexandria Chisholm and Sarah Hartman-Caverly found “the ubiquitous integration of technology in everyday life transforms users’ relationships to their devices, selves, loved ones, education and work experiences, and society at large.”

For many, avoiding the technology to escape Doomscrolling would be like giving up oxygen to survive. The challenge is to find another way to interact with media without getting bogged down by the negative.

Doomscrolling is a product of our technological achievements, a side-effect of progress. Moderation is key. Advice to decrease Doomscrolling is plentiful: practice mindfulness training, get involved with a charity, perform acts of kindness, or set a timer.