How to Make Money Online For Beginners: 11 Easy Ways To Start

The internet presents employees with a dream scenario: the ability to make money from anywhere, at any time. For many people, though, this remains an elusive concept.

After all, just 30 years ago, the internet didn’t even exist! If you had a job, you went to the office.

The idea you could earn a living at home in your pajamas or on a tropical beach while sipping margaritas would have been laughable to employees in the 80s, but now, it’s a reality that many people are starting to pursue.

So how do you leverage the internet to generate a full-time income?

How to Make Money Online

1. Perform Your Current Role Remotely

One of the simplest ways to start making extra money online is to negotiate a remote role with your current employer. Of course, you may be in this position already due to COVID-19, in which case you could request to make the change permanent.

Even if you’re still working in the office, you might be surprised at how amenable your boss is to the idea.

2. Become a Freelancer

The idea is simple: you work on a self-employed basis, lending whatever skills and expertise you have to clients who need such support.

3. Become a Consultant