
How To Make Passive Income: 35 Ideas


Most people think of income as something they have to do labor for, like going to work for a day and then getting paid.  Passive income is money you earn even when you're not working.


It takes some investment of time, money, energy, or all three, but then the money just comes in, helping you pay off a student loan, dig out of credit card debt, save for retirement, or advance other personal finance goals.

Do you want to get started? Here are 35 passive income ideas:

1. Alternative Assets

Alternative assets, or alternative investments, are often headline news. Because traditional investments like stocks and real estate sometimes involve a lot of market volatility, and savings accounts only offer low-interest rates, people are looking for other options.

2. Passive Real Estate Investing

Talk to any landlord, and they'll tell you that “passive” is the last word they'd ever use to describe the rental property management.

3. Earn Passive Income With Lending Club

Lending Club will enable you to loan your money out to people and groups looking for funding. Lending Club allows passive investors to diversify their assets by investing in different types of loans. 

4. Invest in Dividend Stocks

Dividends are profits paid out to owners of stocks. Some companies pay dividends regularly, which means that dividends can become a dependable source of income if you amass a significant number of shares over time.

5. Open a High-interest Savings Account

Savings accounts are a reliable way to protect money but not increase it. Sadly, brick-and-mortar banks barely pay any money in interest, and institutions like Wells Fargo, Chase, Bank of America, and others pay around 0.08% interest.

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